Chapter 34 Preferences

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January 15th, 2006

Mikey guided Takemichi towards a vacant parking lot that overlooked the ocean. The commander of Toman finally finished with Takemichi's bike with the help of Draken. The shorter boy decided to show Takemichi the ropes of how to ride a bike. He was pleased that Takemichi was excited about his new ride. Mikey had put a lot of effort into building it up with Draken for him. Well, part of the reasons for Mikey building the bike for Takemichi was for the latter to have a bike while he was the First Division Captain and the other was to give the brother of the girl he loved something amazing. Mikey had to admit, he was trying to butter the guy up.

He knew that Takemichi was not the blood-related brother to Kai but he also knew that the both of them still regarded each other as siblings nonetheless. Mikey would still treat Takemichi with the same respect as before. Even without Kai, Mikey still held respect for the guy anyway.

"Takemitchy," Mikey called the younger boy's nickname.

Black eyes looked towards the horizon of the ocean. His hands were in his pockets as his heart began to beat a little harder. He couldn't believe he felt nervousness of all things. Especially with a guy like Takemichi. What could the younger boy even do to him, anyway? It was laughable.

"Uh, yeah, Mikey-kun?" Takemichi questioned.

The slightly taller blond looked at his friend with curiosity. The atmosphere was serious and he gulped. He hoped he hadn't done anything to make Mikey upset.

Blue eyes widened as Mikey turned to him with a gentle smile on his face. It wasn't like his regular closed-eyed smile. This one showed the warmth in Mikey's eyes. Takemichi couldn't help but feel taken back by that look. Mikey looked very happy, which caused Takemichi to smile in return.

"I really love your sister," Mikey confessed to Takemichi.

"I know."

Takemichi felt there was no need for Mikey to tell him that. It was already obvious to him and everyone else. Mikey always looked the happiest with Kai. And lately, it seemed like they had gotten even closer. Even more in love. Takemichi was oblivious sometimes, but he could tell just how much those two loved and cherished each other. Even the things Kai had been hiding from Mikey couldn't stop him from falling deeper in love. If Takemichi had to admit one thing, it was that he truly hoped that the two of them would stay like that forever. He truly wanted the both of them to stay happy together.

Takemichi felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked down at Mikey's eyes that had a light in them that weren't there at the start of their friendship.

"What I am trying to say," Mikey voiced, "Or rather, what I want from you is your permission."

Takemichi blinked, "My permission?"

"I want to ask Kai to marry me."

Takemichi's mind went blank as it tried to process the words. His face froze. He couldn't think as the words repeated in his mind. They were still sinking in.

"Wha-WHAT?!" he shouted in a state of shock, "You want to ask my sister to marry you?" Mikey nodded. Takemichi scratched the back of his head, "Okay... but why do you have to ask my permission for that? She's the one that has to agree to it. Not me."

Mikey turned back to look at the ocean, "I'll admit I'm a little nervous. You think she will say yes?"

Takemichi examined his friend. He was the Invincible Mikey. The strongest guy he had ever met. And he really did look nervous as he was talking about proposing to Kai. Takemichi couldn't help but smile warmly.

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