Chapter 38 Announcement

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February 5th, 2006

Mikey's breath caught in his throat. His body became tense and his mouth dry. His eyes widened in shock as the words processed through his brain. His arms were still tightly wrapped around his crying fiancé's waist.

Had he heard correctly? Did Kai say that she was pregnant? Was that why she was crying? Did she not want the baby?

He knew he took risks when he decided to not wear protection whenever they made love. It was a risk he was willing to take. He already knew that there was always a chance she could get pregnant. Mikey wasn't stupid or naive to think otherwise. He had already decided that if he were to get her pregnant, he would take responsibility. A part of him wanted her to get pregnant because it would mean that she was completely and utterly his. They would start a family together. They would be tied to a family together. It was something he really wanted. He wanted to make a family with her. But he never thought it would make her cry!

Regret and guilt came rushing into him once the initial shock wore off. He pulled her closer as she continued to sob into his chest.

He was the one that decided no protection but he never once thought about what she wanted. He had been stupid to assume that she wanted a baby. What if she hated him now? What if she wanted to leave him?

"Do you not want the baby?" Did he fuck things up?

"T-that's not it," she stuttered out through trembling lips.

"What is it then? What can I do to help you feel better? I don't like seeing you cry, Kai."

His teeth clenched. He hardly ever saw Kai cry. He didn't even remember the last time she did. Has she cried before? He wasn't even sure. All he knew was that he hated seeing her like this. He much rather seeing her smiling face.

She pressed her hands on his chest, pulling her face away to look up at him. His heart dropped seeing her eyes swollen from the tears. Gently, he wiped the tears from her cheeks with a frown on his face. He felt like someone was squeezing the inside of his chest. This was a sight he hated most: seeing the woman he loved crying.

"Aren't you mad?"

He blinked once. Twice. Confusion in his mind.

"Why would I be mad?"

She looked away, "I got pregnant and we are still young and have our whole lives ahead. I don't want you to feel tied down and-"

"Kai," he cut into her anxious ramblings, pulling her face to look at him. He gently smiled down at her, "I'm actually pretty happy."

Her features softened slightly, "You- You are?"

He chuckled, "Like you said, we have our whole lives ahead. And starting earlier would just mean we start with more time together." Tears threatened to spill in her eyes again. He frowned, "Wait. Kai. Don't cry. I'm sor-"

His words were cut off as soft, warm lips crashed into his own to silence him. It was a quick kiss that left him breathless and confused.

His heart thumped against his chest as he saw her bright smile as she looked at him. He swore it felt like the whole damn room brightened up. She looked so beautiful. He couldn't help but admire her. He couldn't believe that she was all his.

"I'm so happy," she uttered out.

"You aren't upset I made you pregnant?" he questioned her, his fear out in the open.

She shook her head as she looked down at her stomach with an affectionate look, patting the area, "I think I already love this baby more than I can put into words because it is a baby I am making with you. The person I love most in all universes."

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