Chapter 39 Kai's Death Day

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February 16th, 2006

I should have seen it coming. I should have been more on guard. To think that my life would end like this. After everything that happened to me. After being put into someone else's body. To be put in my own body. To die. To be given a chance of a second life. I was lucky. I was lucky to have met Mikey and to have fallen so deeply in love with him. I was lucky to have dreamt of a future with the both of us making a family and growing old together.

It was just that though. A dream. A foolish little dream of a foolish little girl.

I was stupid and blind. My brother had even warned me. And yet...

My vision was blurring as I gasped in breaths. I struggled to breath as I laid on the cold ground all alone. I could feel my body growing cold. But I didn't shover. I was numb as blood pulled around me from the hole in my stomach.

Mikey, I am so sorry.

Flashea of the time I met him came into my head. I smiled bitterly at the memories. I had been so hesitant to call him my friend back down. When had I begun developing such intense feelings for him?

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I struggled to stay away. I wanted to think of Mikey. I wanted to fight to stay alive. But breathing was so painful.

It hurts. It hurts so much, Mikey. I'm so cold.

If I was going to die here, I wished I could see him one last time. I wished that I could tell him that I loved him one last time. I wished I could beg him to not give in to his darkness to kill everyone we know. But that hideous future was going to still happen.

I'm an idiot. Why did I come out tonight? Why did I trust... ?

I felt my consciousness fade away as the embrace of darkness clung to me, not letting me escape. I had no strength left in me.


The familiar voice that called out my name was the last thing I remembered before I completely succumbed to it.


Earlier That Day

Mikey happily hummed as he walked alongside his best friend on the streets of Shibuya. It had been a while since the two blonds had spent the day alone together. Their time usually revolved around their girlfriends lately. It was nice to have some time together like they used to. But Mikey couldn't wait to be back with his soon to be wife. Everytime that came to his mind, his heart would flip out of control.

Draken watched his shorter friend from the corner of his eyes with a happy smirk. It was nice to see Mikey so happy. All the years that Draken had known Mikey, he never saw the short blond so filled with life. Draken was grateful for Kairi giving this much happiness to Mikey. Draken was happy for both of his friends. It also helped him gain the courage to confess his own feelings for Emma. And he couldn't be happier for it. The future was looking bright for them all.

"It's nice seeing you so happy, Mikey."

Mikey chuckled, "Yeah. It feels real good, Ken-chin." He turned his head with a gentle friend to his taller friend. "I was hoping you could be my best man."

"Me? Shouldn't that go to Takemitchy? He is the bride's brother."

"I already discussed it with Kai. She agreed that it should be you."

Draken was surprised. He had really thought that the brother of the bride should be the best man at the wedding. But if he had to be honest, he felt extremely honored to be chosen.

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