Chapter 30 Demon

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** Happy New Years!!!

Thank you all so much for the support you have shown in the last chapter. I really hoped you would all like it and seeing that there was a good reaction makes me happy. Hope you like this one. ^-^

Still in third person. Mostly in Takemichi/Kairi's perspective.


January 7th, 2006

"And I am Hanagaki Kairi, also known as Lucifer. First rank. The leader of Seven Deadly Sins. The eleventh generation leader of Black Dragons. And... Toman's Queen."

I did it. I finally did it. There's no going back now. Let's just hope that everyone forgives me for deceiving them.

Kairi stood in front of Kisaki and Hanma with her back straight. She refused to show them any weakness. The only pain that throbbed was the one from the stab wound that had reopened. Some of her body felt a slight sting but it was nothing to her. She had felt far worse pain growing up. She could endure so much more than this.

She heard the gasps of shock before the whispers of disbelief. No one had seen this coming. She had thrown everyone into a state of shock by revealing herself to them.

"A girl?" one of the sixth division members said.

"She's only one little girl," another member said.

"Let's make the bitch know her place and submit."

She heard the members of the sixth and seventh divisions that were still conscious without injury laugh at her. They were underestimating her because they now knew she was a female. It would be their undoing. Had they already forgotten what she had done to the others? That she was still Lucifer? The minds of males were almost always the same. When they saw a girl they thought they were stronger and could overpower her. Simple minded. And foolish. She was the one that will be making them submit. Their place was right underneath her boots. Oh, she was pissed and she was going to enjoy making them eat their words.

Takemichi couldn't believe his ears and eyes. Lucifer was his sister this whole time? When had she become so damn strong? He had so many questions to ask her.

He took a step forward, "K-Kairi? You- You were Lucifer this whole time?"

Without looking back at her brother who stood below the stairs between her and Mikey who still stood above the stairs, she answered him, "Yeah."

She did not want to look back to see the reactions on the faces of the people she cared most about. She had to focus on what was in front of her. She couldn't afford to slip up again.

"Kairi. Stop. Just stop. You are injured. They will kill you," her brother pleaded, taking a step forward.

The founding members of Seven Deadly Sins moved to stand in front of the high-ranking members of Toman to keep them from intervening in the fight. The captains and vice-captains of Toman were put on guard not knowing what they were planning.

"Sorry," Masa said, "Can't let you interfere."

"Yeah," Eijirou added, "You heard our leader. She doesn't want anyone interfering. If you did, she would automatically lose because that isn't part of the deal. She fights alone or she will have to leave Toman."

The realization hit them all. Kairi was fighting on her own to protect Toman. She was fighting for them. And they couldn't do anything or they would make her lose. They were forced to watch.

"But that's my sister!"

"Shut up and watch, Take," Kairi's booming voice caught their attention and caused the younger Hanagaki to freeze. "Does it look like I'm losing?" Takemichi fell silent, not recognizing the Kairi in front of him that was standing with such impressive confidence. She sighed, "I realized it is my fault for allowing everyone here to believe that I am some fragile girl in need of constant protection. That is just not who I am. It never was. So," she said, getting ready to be attacked as the members of the sixth and seventh divisions circled her, "Allow me to rewrite your perception of me and show you all who I really am and what I am capable of."

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