Chapter 45 Kai's Dark Future

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April 14th, 2018

After weeks of searching, Takemichi was finally able to gain contact with someone to meet his sister. It was not easy. Almost everyone that knew Kairi was no longer in contact with her. With the exception of the four founding members of Seven Deadly Sins. It was Rin that reached out with a message to Takemichi to meet Kairi at the Musashi shrine at midnight.

As Takemichi climbed up the steps, his nerves kept increasing. He wondered what Kairi was like now. It had been 12 years since the last time he saw her. She couldn't have changed as much as Chifuyu and Naoto told him, right? There was just no way.

He finally got to the top. He saw a figure standing on top of the last few steps where Mikey usually would stand during a Toman meeting. He watched as blonde hair in a ponytail fluttered around in the breeze with the black trench coat that draped over her shoulders. It vaguely reminded Takemichi of Mikey. But the nostalgia did not last long. He knew that it wasn't him.


"So, you're back, huh."

Takemichi watched as the figure turned around. Kairi had changed so much it was like he was looking at someone completely different. She dyed her hair blonde like Mikey's hair. Wore a trench coat over a black tank top that showed her curves and tight black leather pants with a pistol strapped to each thigh with combat boots. Kairi looked lethal with her vacant eyes staring down at him. He felt a shiver go down his spine. Was this really the Kairi he knew?

"What are you doing here, Takemichi? Shouldn't you be with your wife-to-be living your happy little life?"

"Kairi. I- I don't understand. What happened? Why are you a crime boss?"


Takemichi didn't understand. What did that mean?

"Naoto... He- He told me that you were a cold-hearted killer. He is wrong. You are-"

"I am. I am a killer, Takemichi. I have killed everyone that has stood in my way. Izana included. I killed him in front of all of Toman. Even in front of his own family. Ayato. Mikey. Neither of them could stop me. That night. I killed a lot of people."

"Wha- Why? Why would you kill them?"


"Did you..." Takemichi gulped, "Are you the one who killed Mikey-kun?"

"He was weak."

Weak. Weak was not the word Takemichi would have used to describe Mikey. And he couldn't believe that Kairi was speaking about Mikey in such an indifferent tone like Mikey has never meant anything to her.

"How can you say that? Mikey-kun- He was everything to you. You love him!"

"Even if I did before. It's a long time ago. And now, all I care about is increasing my power and becoming an unstoppable force. No one will dare mess with me ever again."

No. This can't be.

Takemichi's body shook. His knees became weak and caused him to fall. He shook his head as if trying to deny what was right in front of him. His sister had completely changed. He could feel the bloodlust radiating from her. Her aura was suffocating him. He had never been as afraid as he was at the moment that he heard her footsteps echoing in the night as she walked down the small steps towards him.

"That means you as well. Don't make me kill you, Takemichi. Go back to Hinata. Go back to the others. And forget about me."


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