Chapter 33 A Taste

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** There is a bit of explicit content at the end of the chapter. You can skip it if you do not feel comfortable reading it.


January 8th, 2006

"Have you ever wanted to go back?" Ayato asked.

I looked at her, "Yeah. I did. And I did go back."

"Wait. What?" Masa questioned, "You never told me that."

"No more secrets," I let out as if it would give me the resolve I needed to tell them everything. "The day I saved Ayato. I died that day."

"That's not funny, Kai," Masa said, his eyes narrowed at me. He did not let me continue before interrupting me.

I crossed my arms over my chest as I glared right back at him, "All this time you've known me, you think I'd joke about something like that?"

He stood up as he yelled, "Are you being serious right now?! You died?! And you didn't tell me anything?! What the fuck, Kai?! I thought we told each other everything!"

I should have expected this kind of reaction from him. I knew that he was confident in my abilities but I also knew that he cared deeply about me. I was the only one in his life after his own family rejected him.

I pointed at him, "That's why I didn't tell you at the time. I knew you'd have a dramatic reaction like this even though I am perfectly fine."

"I'm confused," Pah said. I looked at him. He looked like his brain was about to give out on him.

I sighed, "If Masa sits and calms down, I'll explain."

Masa opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it before settling back between Ayato and Katsuhiro.

"I died. When I died I woke up in my bed back in my own world. I saw my mother again. I went back to school. I thought I was back home again."

I looked down at my hands. I began to remember that dreadful day. The loneliness. The helplessness. I remembered missing them. Missing Mikey so desperately that I felt I would be torn apart.

"You must have been happy to be back," Take said.

I smiled, despite myself, "Honestly, no. I wasn't happy at all." I looked up at the ceiling. "I remember thinking how I should be happy to be back. I was back with my parents that raised me. I was back in the world that recognized me as the National Martial Arts Champion. I didn't have to hide how strong I really was there." I paused, closing my eyes. "But I couldn't shake off this feeling. I never understood how I felt when I lived there. The utter emptiness. Not until I had lost all the people I had come to care about."

That's right. They would have lost me. But going back there, I lost all of them at once.

"To be honest with you all... I decided to sacrifice my life to save Ayato not just because I cared about Ayato. Or to protect Toman. Or so that Mikey wouldn't lose another sibling again. I did it because a part of me felt like my existence here was never going to be permanent anyway. I didn't belong in this world. So if I died it would be okay. So long as Ayato survived."

"Kairi..." I heard my brother's sad voice.

"It wasn't until I spent a day in my own world that I realized that I was wrong. I should have just moved on with my life. But I just couldn't. I found myself at the Musashi Shrine in my world without realizing it. I knew none of you were going to be there but I still went anyway. I realized that I had to lose everything precious to me to understand where I really belonged. I belonged in this world with all of you. And I was granted another chance to be here. And that is how I am here now. I vowed to do everything in my power to make a life here and protect everything I care about and not let it go without putting up a fight."

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