Chapter 47 The New Mammon

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April 14th, 2008

Blood slid down slender fingers and dripped onto the ground. There was no amount of damage these hands caused, the hell within wasn't satiated. All that it managed to do was drag her deeper into the darkness.

That's right.

Kai continued to let herself be consumed but rage and the thirst for blood. It was the only thing that would prevent her from feeling the pain and loneliness. She could survive being in anger. She could survive turning into a monster. But she did not believe she could survive feeling the anguish of loss. So, she let herself turn into the most dangerous monster the world would ever know. She would not allow anyone to take anything else from her. She would not be weak.


Kai took the cloth without a word. Wiping the red hot liquid from her hands. The scent of blood was thick in the air that night. Yet another gang came to Tokyo to try to take her territory. Yet another gang fell to her strength.

She looked down at the battered body underneath her boot. The gang's pathetic commander who thought he had the upper hand upon hearing that she was a woman. So many have fallen to her because they underestimated her. The fools.

"You know, Master," Kai's empty eyes turned to the person who spoke as they walked towards her with a grin, "I'm sure you could have one of us do this. Don't have to get yourself all dirty."

Kai looked away, stopping the male from getting any closer by slamming the dirty cloth to his chest. He coughed from the impact.

"Mind your tongue, Hanma. Or I'll cut out for you."

The male chuckled, "You could have just said that you wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun."

Kai took a deep breath in and exhaled, "Remind me again why I kept you alive?"

"Because I am more used to you if I'm alive," he shrugged. "And I handed you Kisaki with a nice little bow."

She did not respond.

He began walking behind her as she began to order her members to clean up the mess they had caused. He watched, admiring her from behind. It had been two years since he turned his back on Kisaki to join her. Two years to gain even the little bit of trust he received from her and a title in 7S. He couldn't say that he regretted it. Kai was more lethal than Kisaki and a hell of a lot better to look at. Besides, no matter how much of a diabolical piece of shit mind he had, Kai disposed of him so easily. The same was said about anyone else that ever dared get in her way.

Yes. Kai was a lot more entertaining than anyone else. He could watch her forever. He already saw what she is capable of doing in two years and was excited for the future.

"Damn. This is getting kind of pathetic."

"Mm," Kai hummed as she took her katana from Katsuhiro.

He sighed, "Seriously. You'd think that these morons would learn."

"Two years and these nobodies are still trying to take down our Queen," Eijirou said with a shrug, "I don't think they will ever learn."

"It doesn't matter," she said, "I will just keep taking them out. Bel. Beel. You know what you have to do. I'm heading out."

"Sure thing, Boss. I'll give Satan a heads up that everything is good here," Katsuhiro said, quickly dialing the number on his phone.

Satan. The position that was once Ayato but was now filled by Inui. Inui was appointed the Seven Deadly Sins' Vice-Commander. He was the one that took care of the gang's internal affairs. He did a decent job.

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