Chapter 37 Nervousness

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February 5th, 2006

To say that I was a nervous wreck was an understatement. My mind was spiraling with all of my thoughts and worries. The one thing I was struggling with the most is how I would go about telling Mikey that I was pregnant.

"Are you sure?" I asked Subaru. I went to him at HQ after speaking with my brother to confirm without a doubt that I was pregnant. It wasn't that I didn't trust my brother. It was just that scientifically I needed it to be confirmed.

Subaru's gentle smile and a warm hand on my shoulder slightly comforted me as he spoke, "Yes. You are indeed pregnant, boss. I'll get some vitamins for you to make sure that the baby is healthy. If that is what you want."

I tilted my head, "What I want?"

He shrugged, pulling away and placing his hands in his medical coat, "There's other options. Adoption. Abortion."

"No," I let out immediately.

The shock of being pregnant was intense but it wasn't like I wanted to terminate it or give my baby to someone else to take care of. If I had to be honest, I already loved this baby with everything I had. Because it was mine and Mikey's. This baby was made out of love.

"Okay. Then I will proceed to order the vitamins. I will also write down a list of what isn't good to consume while pregnant. I'll want you to come back once in a while for checkups to make sure the baby is doing well. I'll get Rin to order an ultrasound machine so you can see your baby grow."

I chuckled, "How are you going to explain that one to him? He is stingy when he buys things. You had to beg him to get us the uniforms and bikes."

Subaru grinned, "Yes. But this is a lot more important than any of that. Our queen is having a baby. I'm sure once Rin finds out he will go crazy on spoiling the kid."

I looked away. Right. Mikey isn't the only one I have to tell...

I wasn't sure how to respond. I kept quiet, looking down on the floor for a few minutes.

"Are you worried about Mikey?" I nodded. "I wouldn't stress about that. He loves you so much. I am sure he will be thrilled."

"But... We are still so young. We have our whole lives ahead of us. What if... What if this changes things? What if this is too much of a commitment?"

"He asked you to marry him." I looked back at Subaru's warm smile, "I say that he is already fully committed to you."

"He's right."

My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest. Widened eyes looked at the direction of the door, Mikey leaning against the frame with his hands in his pockets.

How long has he been there? What did he hear?

"I'll leave you two to talk," Subaru excused himself out of his own work space to give us some privacy.

Part of me wanted to tell him to stay. Fear and uncertainty made its way to the surface and kept me from saying a single word.

I looked at my hands. I didn't budge from where I sat on the infirmary bed. I was hoping that if I couldn't see him he wouldn't see me. Dumb and childish, I know.

"I wondered what was taking you so long," Mikey said. I could hear his footsteps as he came towards me. "I called you brother but you weren't with him. And you weren't answering my messages." I saw his feet in my peripheral vision as he stood before me. "I had to call a lot of people to find you. Only to find you here talking about me." Two pairs of arms trapped me between them. I was forced to look at Mikey as he leaned in on me. "What have I done to have you worried that I am not committed to you? Why couldn't you talk to me about it instead of someone else?"

I could feel the fire in his eyes as he looked at me. I could see the hurt he was trying to hide behind them. My eyes began to sting.

"I-I'm sorry," I whispered out trying to keep myself from shedding tears but it proved to be futile.

I was never the kind of girl to just cry over stupid things. But at that moment, my eyes had become waterfalls. I just couldn't stop them. I was just too afraid of losing Mikey.

"Kai," a soft whisper, eyes softening. Gentle and warm fingers caressed the tears away. "What's going on?"

Mikey's kindness and affection only made me cry even more. My body moved on its own. My fingers clasped against his shirt. My face pressed up against his chest. I seeked more of his warmth. I was trying to gather enough courage to tell him.

It didn't take long for Mikey to wrap his arms around my trembling body. I felt him kiss the top of my head as he tried to comfort me.

"Don't let me go," I whispered through sobs.

"I'm not ever letting you go, Kai."

I melted into his embrace. I let myself sink into the feeling of safety and love I felt from being so close to his warm body.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and let it out in a sigh. I had to tell him.

"Mikey, I'm pregnant..."


"I'm surprised you figured me out, Foureyes," a sly smirk, "How long have you known?"

The figure shifted on one leg, eyes on his target. He wondered if he could just end this foureyes' life to prevent his cover from being blown. He was far from close to doing the things he wanted to do. He was so close to making everything collapse. She just needed to be a little more happy before he took it all away from her. This was going to be a lot more fun then torturing animals.

Narrowed eyes looked at the grinning male, "Long enough."

A spin-chilling chuckle, "I'm surprised. No one else has ever figured me out. But you did. It's interesting." He was being blackmailed by the foureyes. Somehow, the foureyes knew about his little secret. He looked at the other male that was smoking a cigarette, "Is that why you follow him? He quenches your boredom?"

The smoker shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows?"

The foureyes stepped forward, "Why haven't you killed her yet? Are you afraid of being found out?"

Licking his lips, "Well, I'm at least better at fooling everyone than you are. You got kicked out of Toman. I'm still there. And who says I want to kill her? It's been a lot more fun fooling her and seeing her struggle. Though, that shithead has made a mess of my toy." He sighed in irritation.

"Maybe you have the wrong toy."

"Ha? What do you mean?"

Foureyes smirked, "I know a better toy that you can play with. It will be a lot more fun for you. All you have to do is kill her."

"Hm. I'm listening." 


** Y'all are going to hate me. I swear lol 

PS: Sorry for the short update. Been busy with assignments. Lots pilling up. All I could do right now. See you all in the next update... Whenever that is... 

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