Chapter 27 Mikey's Thoughts

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** This chapter is a little bit special. It will be in third person following Mikey's perspective for the most part. (Ayato will be referenced as a guy considering Mikey still believes she's a he. So there's no confusion.) I hope you enjoy it!


December 25th, 2005

Mikey stared into Ayato's eyes as he sat in front of him. Draken stood behind Mikey as he sat comfortably on the couch in his room. Ayato sat on the ground in front of the couch. The three of them had just come back from their ride together. Mikey still couldn't believe what he had witnessed just a little while earlier.

"Who told you to go there?" Mikey questioned his brother.

"Asmodeus," Ayato answered without hesitation.

"He is the one that called you earlier while we were out riding?"

Ayato nodded, "Yeah. He told me to go check on Lucifer."

Mikey's eyes narrowed, "Even while he sent those other two? Did he forget you're not with Seven Deadly Sins anymore?"

His brother sighed, "Lucifer is still my friend regardless of that, Mikey."

"Is that why you still refuse to tell me who he is?"

Ayato's eyes glared, "It's not my place to tell. I already told you that."

"You'll choose him over your own brother?"

Mikey wasn't sure why he continued to be hard on his brother. It might have been because he was afraid he would lose Ayato again. Only this time it would be permanent. Now that Ayato had come back, Mikey did not want to let him go. He didn't want to ever experience losing a brother again. Strange after Mikey had temporarily thought Ayato was an enemy. He understood he was a fool after talking to Kairi about the situation. Maybe him being protective of Ayato was his way to try to mend that. But now he was just sounding like a possessive older brother.

"Did you forget that he was willing to sacrifice his own life to save me? Or that he helped free me?" Ayato shot back, "I owe him. Don't you think? But no, I only have one brother. No one can replace you, Mikey. If that is what you are worried about."

Ayato saw right through him. Mikey looked away in a huff.

"But there is something you should know about Lucifer."

Mikey turned his head in interest. After what he witnessed, he couldn't help wanting to know more about Lucifer. That guy had an aura about him. It was like Lucifer had an aura of a demon ready to kill. Mikey really thought Lucifer was about to kill Taiju. It shocked Mikey that Lucifer showed self-restraint. But even still, the way that he could put fear in someone after one strike. Mikey thought himself as invincible but after seeing Lucifer in action once again, he wasn't quite sure. If he was to fight Lucifer, would he be able to win?

"What is it?" Draken questioned.

Mikey looked over his shoulder at his taller friend. Draken showed a look of interest. It seemed that Mikey wasn't the only one in the room to want to know about Lucifer.

"Lucifer is...How do I put this..." Ayato paused, closing his eyes as if to try to form his thoughts, "Someone that carries everyone's burdens on his back. He is desperate to protect the people he cares about that he will do stupid ass shit to do it. Like almost killing himself."

"Speak for yourself," Draken said.

"Yeah. You nearly died to save Baji."

This was something that made Mikey feel bitter. That day he had almost lost another brother. He could have lost Baji. He could have lost people precious to him. Again.

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