Chapter 7 Celebration

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August 5th, 2005

"Hey, Kai."

"Hm?" I said, turning my head so I would look at him.

His hand caressed my cheek before his hand was under my chin, his thumb brushing my lips.

"Can I kiss you?"

Oh my fuck.

It felt like time had stopped. I couldn't hear anything but the sound of my own rapid heartbeat. I was stunned and flustered at his question. Had I heard him right? My brain would just not process the information.

He smiled, "It's okay if you don't want to. I'd never force you. But," he said, moving his hand to brush my hair behind my ear, sending tingles down my spine, "I'd really like to call you my girlfriend."

Eh? EH?! No way. Now way. Am I dreaming? Am I still asleep?

I hid my blushing face in my pillow trying to process everything he just said to me.

I heard him chuckle next to me. I sneaked a peak, watching him lay down on his back with his hands folded under his head.

"Sorry," he said, "I'm moving too fast, aren't I?" I didn't know what to say. "You don't have to answer me right away. I'm in no rush. We can take it as slow as you want."

I couldn't stop staring at his profile as he had his eyes closed. He was being serious.

My lips parted as if I wanted to say something but no words came out. My mouth shut again. I gathered all my courage to act on the feelings that were overflowing through me.

Masa was right all along. These feelings when I'm with Mikey... I really like him. I probably liked him for a while now but was blind to it. Okay.

With all my courage to act on my feelings, I moved closer to him. My lips brushed against his soft skin as I gently kissed his cheek. I felt his body tense up in surprise.

I opened my eyes to see him staring at me in shock and awe. I guess he hadn't expected me to kiss him like that.

I looked to the side, "Me too. I'd like to be called your girlfriend too."

I felt soft lips brush against my cheek. I turned to look at Mikey who had kissed my cheek just like I had a moment ago.

He pressed his forehead against mine. I swear the way he was looking at me made me feel like a block of ice and he was a hot, shiny sun melting me away.

"Alright, then," he said, "Starting today you are officially my girlfriend, yeah?"

"Mm," I agreed.

"You've made me really happy, Kai," he said so gently.

He pulled me against his chest, wrapping his strong arms around my body.

No. You are the one that has made me happy.

I surprisingly fell right back to sleep in his arms after that.


August 7th, 2005

"So, are you going to tell me what you've been hiding?" I looked at my brother with an arched brow.

He looked at me nervously, "I don't know what you are talking about."

I softly swung on the swing a little, "Hmm."

I had asked Mitsuya to give my brother and me some privacy for a little bit. Mikey had refused to let me go off alone without someone watching me again while he was at the hospital visiting Draken. He was rather protective of me, that boyfriend of mine. My heart would still skip a beat whenever I thought about it.

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