Chapter 15 Sacrifice

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October 31st, 2005

With shaky hands, I pressed my fingers to her neck, smearing blood on her skin as I checked for a pulse.





I couldn't feel one.

Why? Why did it have to be Ayato? I wasn't even supposed to be in this world. Why didn't I die instead? This was all my fault.

This is all messed up.

My body acted before my mind could really think clearly. With one hand on top of the other, I began to do chest compressions on Ayato.

"Leviathan!" I yelled as loudly as I could.

I kept doing the chest compressions, unsure if my efforts would be in vain or not. I just knew that I didn't want Ayato to die.

But she's already dead, I heard a voice in the back of my mind.

Shut up. She can't be dead. You know nothing.

"What's going on?" I heard Leviathan's voice on the other side of her body where the blood was pooling around more.

He had his medical supplies in a backpack he carried around. We never knew if we would need to get patched up. He was a genius at medicine. If anyone could save Ayato it was him. Right? I prayed it was true. Masa had praised this guy's ability to patch up any wound.

"Ayato isn't breathing. And I couldn't get a pulse," I told him.

"No pulse?" he questioned me. I nodded. "Then what do you want me to do?"

I looked at him through my hood, not stopping the compressions, "Save him!"

He shook his head, "If he has no pulse there's nothing I can do. Besides, he has lost too much blood and is growing visibly pale. Even if he were still alive with a weak pulse that is hard to detect, there's nothing I can do without a blood transfusion."

"Take mine."


"TAKE MINE! I'm a universal donor. Just.... Just save him! Save Ayato! Don't let him die!"

I was becoming hysterical. I was desperate to save her. Toman couldn't lose her. I couldn't lose her. Mikey really couldn't lose another 'brother'. I had to save her.

"Lucifer, it's too late," Masa said, trying to pull me away.

I aggressively pushed him away to get back to my desperate attempt at saving Ayato.


A breath. Oxygen was taken in and breathed out. I stopped, staring down at her. She was breathing. She was breathing on her own. Her chest rose and dropped. A wave of relief washed over me.

Thank God.

I ripped the left sleeve off of my sweater, "What are you waiting for? Take my blood and give it to Ayato. Now. Save him."

"Listen. Even if we do this, he might still die. I haven't seen the wound in his arm yet but I can already tell that it hit an artery and he has been losing a lot of blood. I would need to repair the artery to stop it from bleeding. You won't have enough blood to give him without being in danger of dying during that procedure even if I cut flow to that artery."

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