Chapter 26 Bleeding Christmas

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** Merry (almost) Christmas/ Happy Holidays! Hope you all enjoy yourselves! ^-^ I decided to upload the Christmas episode today rather than tomorrow when everyone is likely to be busy. Hope you like it!


December 25th, 2005

My eyes fluttered open. I felt a weight around my waist as I slowly woke up from my sleep. I remembered that I had spent the night at Mikey's house. I could feel the warmth of his body on my back as he spooned me. I couldn't help smiling, feeling relaxed and at ease knowing he was beside me.

I shifted to get up so that I could get dressed. I had somewhere to be later that day. I couldn't just let myself be distracted by my boyfriend.

I felt his arm tighten around my waist, bringing my body closer to his. My body stiffened as I felt something poking my butt. If he wasn't wearing anything I was sure that something would be poking in between my legs. I felt my face flush at the thought. I had to get him to move away.

"Mikey..." I whispered softly.

I wasn't sure why I whispered when I was trying to wake him. That made no sense.

"Mmm," he mumbled.

I felt his hot breath on my neck, sending shivers up and down my body. He pressed his body into me where I could feel his morning excitement even more.

Calm down. This is normal.

I told myself these things to try to calm my racing heart. It wouldn't be so bad if my body wasn't betraying me with its own reactions.

"Mikey," I said a little louder.

I felt his body jerk a little, "Morning... Kai..."

Mikey yawned. I could tell he was still feeling sleepy. I felt bad for waking him up but I really had to get myself out of this situation before my heart gave out on me or died from embarrassment.

"Good morning. And Merry Christmas," I replied.


"M-Mikey, um," I stuttered out, "You- Can you maybe let me go?"

"Why? I don't want to," he said like a spoiled child while pulling me closer. I felt his body freeze up, "Oh."


I knew that he realized what was between us right now and why I wanted him to let me go. My face felt like it would melt off.

"Don't worry. It'll calm down on its own." Mikey refused to let me go.

That isn't the point!

"I have to go, Mikey. I told you I'd be busy today."

"I don't want to let you go," he childishly whined, holding me tighter as he huffed in my ear.

I sighed, "We spent the entire day yesterday together."

"Not enough."

Honestly. I inwardly sighed at my clingy, childish boyfriend.

I elbowed his gut, causing him to gasp and loosen his grip on my body. I took my chance to escape his grasp.

"What was that for?" he questioned me.

"You deserved it," I replied as I crawled out of his bed to go put my clothes back on.

I slipped into my jeans before pulling out my arms to discreetly put on my bra from the cover of Mikey's shirt.

"Do you mind if-" I cut myself off as I stared at Mikey.

He sat with his legs dangling from the side of his bed. I could see what he was wearing clearly. Or should I say the lack of clothes. His toned body was completely exposed as he was only wearing a pair of black boxers which also showed me the bulge. His hair was messy as he rubbed his tired eyes. Only Mikey can look both cute and sexy as hell at the same damn time. It was just plain unfair.

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