Chapter 8 A Promise

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August 28th, 2005

"Mikey!" I called, running up to him before jumping into his arms to hug him. He caught me with ease in his strong arms.

He laughed, "Hey."

"Sorry for the wait," my mom said to him with a gentle smile on her face as she caught up to me. Take close behind her. "So, you are my daughter's boyfriend, are you?"

I pulled away, grabbing his arm, "Mikey, meet my mom. Mom, this is Mikey."

She giggled, "I see how happy you make her. That is good."

"I-" he started, then bowed his head, "It is an honor to meet you, ma'am."

"Oh my, he has manners as well as being handsome," she said.

"Mom," I whined, feeling embarrassed already.

"Yes , yes. Shall we go inside?" she said, gesturing to the restaurant we all met in front of.

Today was my birthday. I was now 17 years old just like Mikey had turned on the 20th. I had really wanted to spend this special day with him but I knew mom would have other plans. She wanted to go eat out and celebrate as a family but to my surprise she offered that I invite Mikey along after my brother had told her that I had a boyfriend. She wanted to meet who had made her daughter so happy lately.

We ordered our food before my mom began to ask Mikey a series of questions as if trying to determine if he was actually right for me. She asked about his family. What he liked. And so much more.

"And what are your intentions with my daughter?"


"It's okay, Kai. I want to answer," he said, squeezing my hand under the table. He looked at my mom with unwavering eyes, "I plan on spending the rest of my life with her. If she wanted me, of course."

My mom gasped, "Oh, my. Are you proposing?"

Mikey smiled, "Oh, no. I think it might be too soon for that. But that is what my intentions are."


I was stunned by his words. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with me? I felt warmth all over my body. To spend a lifetime with him would be...

Ah. I can't stop my heart from beating so fast.

"I see," my mom said, nodding her head and smiling, "Then I trust that you will take good care of my daughter."

"Of course, I will. She means everything to me."

Oh, no. Stop saying things like that. Might heart won't be able to take it.

"That's good then," she said, looking pleased.

I inwardly sighed. Happy this conversation was over. I brought my drink up to my lips.

"Just do not forget to use protection."

As I took a sip, I began to choke.


"What? You two are still too young for children. I will make an appointment with the doctor so that we can start you on some pills. But you should still be using a condom-"

"Uh, hey. I am still here, you know," my brother said, saving us. His cheeks flushed.

I took a peak at Mikey to see that he was a little red in the face too.

Great, mom. Way to embarrass everyone at the table.

"Yes, dear. I will get you some condoms too."

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