Chapter 3 Territory

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July 7th, 2005

"I will forever be amazed at how many of those you can eat," I said, watching Mikey wolf down one dorayaki after the other.

"They are so good. I can't help but eat a lot of them," he said, "Want one?"

I shook my head, "I'm good, thanks."

"Your loss," he shrugged as he continued to walk and eat at the same time.

Sometimes he could act like a real kid. It was weird to know that he was going to be turning 17 in August.

"You know, you really shouldn't be walking and eating at the same time. You could choke," I told him. We should have just gone somewhere and sat down. But for some strange reason these guys wanted to go for a walk.

"I do it all the time. I'll be fine."

I sighed, knowing that arguing over something like this was pointless anyway.

I felt my phone vibrating in my bag. I fished it out, looking at who could be calling me.

Sendou? What could Take's friend be calling me for? Wait. Don't tell me he got into trouble.

I remember giving my number to my brother's friends, telling them to call me if Take ever got into trouble.

"Uh, excuse me. Give me a second," I said to my friends as we continued walking. I didn't want to be rude to them. I picked up the phone, "What's going on, Sendou-kun?"

"It's bad!" he screamed over the phone. He was going so fast I couldn't understand a thing he was telling me.

"Whoa, whoa. Slow down," I told him, feeling my ear drums ring. "Is Take alright?"

"He won't be! He just challenged some guy from the Toman gang!" the panic in his words told me it was serious.

"Someone from the Toman gang?" I repeated.

I knew that there were gangs around but I never really paid any attention to them. I sometimes would see biker gang uniforms around but it wasn't like I made the effort to know what the names and things were for the gangs. I honestly didn't care to know either way. A mistake on my part. My brother was set on being a delinquent of course he would somehow get involved in one.

"Please! You got to do something!"

"Of course, send me the address. I'll get there as fast as I can," I told him.

I hung up and looked at my friends, "I uh. I got to go. My brother is apparently stupid and challenged some guy from the Toman gang or something."

"We'll go with you," Mikey said to me before I could say anything more.

"You sure? This doesn't have anything to do with you," I said to him.

He smiled, "Actually it does have everything to do with me. And my friend's brother is in trouble. Don't worry, everything will be fine. Trust me."


We made it to the address that Take's friend sent me. I did not expect so many guys to be there. I couldn't even count them all. Most of them were sitting down on the stairs watching what was happening on the ground.

I noticed my beat up brother as he faced me but he was too focused on his opponent to notice me. He looked like shit.

"You've done enough, Takemichi! You've shown us all how tough you are!" I heard Sendou's voice scream from the stairs.

"Oh, yeah?! So what!" my brother screamed, causing me to stop in my tracks.

I was surprised that he said something like that.

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