Chapter 43 A New Dark Impulse

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March 27th, 2006

An entire month passed by with my suspicions only growing. After the doctors at the hospital cleared me to be healthy enough to return back home, I spent the majority of my time in my bed to continue to heal. The woman I have begun to see as my mother had taken upon herself to take care of me with the help of Take, Ayato, Hinata, and Emma. Whenever I tried to invite anyone else, Mikey would order them to stay away. That included Masa and any hope I had at figuring out what it was that I had forgotten.

While I was happy that my boyfriend cared about my safety, I became frustrated. I never liked feeling weak. The time I spent in bed was long enough for my emotions to turn darker. I knew I should feel grateful that my friends were protecting me and prioritized my health. But what I truly felt was anger. I was angry that all they saw was a fragile girl in need of protection over her own lost memories.

I was a strong girl. I was so strong that people feared me. I was so strong I could take on hundreds of guys on my own. Being treated like I was made out of glass was pissing me off. What pissed me off even more was the fact that my own boyfriend hardly spent any time with me. I hardly saw his face this past month.

I did notice the look in his eyes. He was falling deeper and deeper into darkness. He was busy with something that was pulling him further in. I knew that he had murder on his mind. Yet, he kept all of it away from me and would force his fake close-eyed smile at me. Was he not aware of how distant he had gotten? Because I had.

Maybe that was why I felt my heart turning into how it used to be before I met Mikey. No. It was worse than that. There were emotions inside of me that confused me. I was being torn from the inside even while my outside injuries were healing at a fast rate. I was able to move on my own now. But still, mom and Take wouldn't allow me to leave my bed. The look they gave me... Pity. The look of pity was what was really getting to me. Why would they look at me that way if I was healing?

I wasn't an idiot. The answer was simple. All the answers I needed were in my lost memories. Whatever I had forgotten was why everyone treated me like I could break at any second.

"Kai? Kai~."

My eyes focused in front of me across the table in my room, "What?"

Emma and Ayato shared a look before turning to me, "Are you sure you aren't tired? We could come back tomorrow and let you rest."

Ayato nodded, "Yeah. It's not a problem."

I sighed, "Rest? I've had enough of that. I want to go out for a walk but you all tell me I should stay in my room. It's getting annoying."

"It's for you-"

"You're own good. Yeah, yeah," I said, looking away. "Does Mikey even love me anymore?"

I wasn't sure why that came out of my mouth. Why was that doubt voiced out?

"Of course he does! Why would you even ask that?" Emma questioned.

"I can count on one hand the amount of times he has come to see me in the last month. Not to mention he completely forgot about White Day. It's like he is forgetting I even exist. I... I've never been the clinging type but... I nearly died, right? Why doesn't he want to spend as much time with me as possible?"

My friends remained silent. I felt my heart being squeezed inside of my chest. Their silence only chilled me even more.

"You still don't remember anything?"

I turned to look at Ayato's serious face and shook my head.

"Ayato-nee. We shouldn't-"

Ayato turned to Emma, "I was just asking a question, Emma. Relax." She turned back to me, "If you want to remember, why don't you go through what you already know?"

I tilted my head, "What?"

"What do you know, Kai?"

"I got stabbed on the 16th of February. I lost about a month of memories..."

Ayato nodded, "Where did you get stabbed?"


"Right. Your stomach. Doesn't that seem odd to you?"

I thought about it and she was right. I always had my guard up wherever I went. There were only some instances when my guard wasn't up and it was with people I trusted- Wait. I was stabbed in front. There was no way a stranger could have come that close to stab me. That meant that...

Someone I trusted tried to kill me. But why? Why would they betray me like that? I felt my head pound. It was like the memories were trying to come out but were blocked out. I rubbed my temple. I felt like I was so close. So close to remembering who it was that hurt me.

'How lucky. Mikey will be even more fucked up after losing you and the baby. Thanks for getting pregnant, Kai.' A distorted voice came forward. One word stood out.

"Pregnant," I whispered out. This word being spoken out loud from my lips was like a trigger to some of my memories.

A flash of Mikey holding a ring and asking me to marry him popped up. Flashes of the intimate first night I spent with Mikey. More flashes of other nights. The memory of when I found out I was pregnant with his baby.

That's right. I was pregnant with Mikey's baby. Keyword 'was'. I understood now why my mind had erased that from my memory. Grief set in. I felt the tears spill from my eyes.

"Kai," I heard Emma's soothing voice in my ear before she brought me into her arms.

I was drowning in the sadness of knowing that our child had died because I couldn't protect them. I had failed as a mother. My poor baby died before they could even see the word. Before their first breath.

"Kai, shhhh," Emma said, rubbing my back, "Mikey will make it all better. He will find whoever did this and they will never hurt you again."

The reason why my boyfriend... No, my fiance was busy because he was searching for the person who killed our baby. I understood now why he was falling deeper into the darkness. Why his dark impulses were rising up. Why he had murder in his eyes.

I understood it all.

My tears stopped as my heart grew cold. Someone had tried to kill me knowing I was pregnant. They did it all to mess with Mikey. But they had messed with a mother-to-be. Little did they know, they had unleashed something else. The hell within me. They should have made sure that I had died. Because they were going to wish they were dead.

Just wait. The second I am back in top shape, I am coming after you. You fucker.

I did not care what this dangerous burning feeling inside me was going to turn me into. All I cared about was turning into someone who could protect the people that mattered most to me and never be blindsided again. I would turn into anything I needed to be to protect the ones I love most. Even sell my own soul.

I turned to the two girls in my room, wiping my tears and looking at them without emotion as I bottled all of the hell inside me to unleash it later.

"Don't tell anyone that I remember. It stays between us."

They hesitated at first but I managed to get them to agree. Now all I needed was to wait for me to finish healing. Then I could get my revenge. I wanted it to be my hands dripped in blood. I wasn't going to let anyone else take that away from me. Not even Mikey.

I am Lucifer and I will punish the sinners. 

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