Chapter 22 Looking Back

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"Your methods are not enough. She is still just as violent as she was when we brought her to you for discipline," Kairi's father spat at one of many Martial Arts teachers they had hired to try to get his daughter to stop being so violent.

"Your child is gifted," the older man spoke, "She has the ability to endure so much pain and has a power I have not yet seen in someone so young. She's remarkable."

"I didn't pay you to compliment that monster. I want you to break her stubborn violent soul so that she acts as she should. My wife is terrified of our child."

The old man nodded his head, "Indeed. Your child has the soul of a warrior. I have trained her as I would any adult student with promise to be a Master and she exceeds all. I understand why your endeavor to find a Master that can, dare I say, 'beat her warrior's soul' out of her being will be difficult."

"What are you saying?" Kairi's eyes narrowed.

"I know what the other Masters have done to her. The abusive training they have put her through. The beatings in the name of training her resistance to taking damage during a fight and the training they forced upon her by having her punch the hardest surfaces to enhance the strength in her punch. Really they were trying to get her to see how painful becoming strong can be so that she would abandon her wish to become the strongest to protect everyone."

"She's a monster."

The Master shook his head, "She's a prodigy. I suggest you put the effort in having her become a Master rather than what you've been trying because you will fail."

Kairi's father's face turned red as he clenched his teeth. How could he tell his wife that their idea was going to fail? How could have made such a monster?

He remembered when she was just a three year old little girl. They brought her to a park to play. That day was something out of a horror movie. He remembered the screams before running to see if his little girl was safe. He did not think he would see his little princess on top of a boy a couple years older than her. Her face was twisted as she laughed while punching the boy's face.

"You don't get to hurt others just because you are bigger than them!" she yelled at him as she continued to beat the boy.

"Kairi!" his wife shrieked in fear.

Kairi's father quickly pulled her away from the boy. He heard the whispers of the witnesses as they called their child a monster. He looked down at his daughter covered in blood.

His body shook as he felt as though he were about to vomit at the memory. He still couldn't believe that his little one had done such a violent and brutal act. Ever since then, they had tried to find Masters who could try to get control over their daughter. Maybe even get her to stop being so violent. They wanted to tame the monster that was their daughter.

They all failed. She only grew stronger and more confident. She was now a ten year old child and she could take on even adult Martial Artists. Kairi's parents were at a loss of what to do. She was too powerful of a child to control. She got expelled for fighting in four different schools. They had to relocate because of all the hate calls they would receive.

"What do we do then?" Kairi's father was tired of trying.

"I suggest I could try to get her to understand that fighting should be left in a competition with other worthy fighters rather than out in the streets or schools."

"Will that work?"

The Master shrugged, "Perhaps. If it does, she may one day become the World Champion and be extremely famous."

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