Chapter 23 Forgiveness

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December 1st, 2005

My feet made soft thuds on the floors of the abandoned building. Several pairs of eyes were now looking towards my approaching body. My back remained straight from their gazes. I knew that I had entered the den of wolves but it did not matter to me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I heard Pah's voice yell out in anger.

I turned my gaze to the boy that called Asmodeus to set up a meeting between Toman's leader and me.

"I was called. Wasn't I?" I watched Hakkai's confused expression.

"But how did you...?"

"Know where to find you?" He nodded. I smirked behind my mask. "Simple. I have my sources."

"Are you saying you've been watching us?" Mitsuya questioned with a guarded expression.

I shrugged, "I wouldn't say that. I just have the means of tracking someone I want found." I looked up to Mikey who sat above the rest on some beams that were stacked. "Didn't you want to talk to me, Michael?"

Mikey's dark eyes looked at me but it was like he was seeing right through me. It was like seeing someone that had lost a part of themselves. There was no anger nor anything feeling at all. Almost like I was watching through soulless eyes.

Something stirred inside of my chest but I decided to ignore it, burying it deep within me.

Draken took it upon himself to speak for Mikey, "We wanted to know if you'd be willing to form a truce until we find Kairi."


They want a truce until they find me?

I turned to look at all the faces in the room. Pah looked pissed. Smiley still wore his regular smile but it was hiding anger. The giant in the room was stoic as ever. Mitsuya looked like he was ready to speak up if I were to decline. Chifuyu was there as well, looking upset. Hakkai was silently looking at the ground. My brother was also in the room. It looked like he had been crying.

Hanma on the other hand looked entertained with the situation. Kisaki looked dissatisfied with a frown on his lips.

"Toman's Queen is missing?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"You say it like you had no idea," I turned to Kisaki as he spat the words. He was a terrible actor. "I bet that you are the reason she is missing."

"Kisaki," Draken warned him.

"Hm," I hummed, "Interesting that you'd think I would use someone else to accomplish my own objectives. Granted. I do have my limits and have asked others to help me with those but I mostly like taking care of things on my own." I turned my body to face Kisaki, "For instance, taking control over Black Dragons and disbandoning several other gangs in the last few days with my own hands." I raised my hand and clutched it to make my words clear. "Stooping to such low tactics isn't my style. I'm not a coward hiding."

His gaze turned sour as he looked at me. It was as if he realized that I knew the truth about him and he was daring me to say another word.

"We just want a truce until we find her," I turned to Draken as he spoke to me. "Then you can try to-"

"Not necessary," I cut him off, "I'm not interested in taking over Toman or disbanding this gang." I raised my hand, "Ayato and Baji have both spoken highly of Toman. Baji even shared with me why Toman was created. I believe that Toman's values align with mine. I have promised them both that I would not destroy Toman as long as those values remain. But," my hand tightened into a fist as I stretched up towards Mikey, "The second you lose your way, Michael, will be the day I take Toman from you. I will not allow it to fall into corruption."

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