Chapter 36 The News

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February 5th, 2006

I giggled as ticklish kisses were sent down my neck. Ever since our first time together, Mikey had become even more affectionate and intimate with me. It got to the point that my body was always craving his touch.

I pushed my clingy fiancé off of me, "Mikey, my phone!"

"Ignore it," I felt his hot breath on my collarbone, sending shivers down my spine.

"It's been going off non-stop. Could be something important."

Mikey let out a sigh before peeling his body off from on top of mine to let me go grab my phone. I shook my head with a smile as I sat up to fish out my phone from my discarded pants. The phone went silent again. I flipped my phone to see a notification of 10 missed calls from my brother.

I pressed the dial button before pressing my phone to my ear. I felt strong arms snake around my middle and a head snuggling into my neck. Even when returning a call, Mikey couldn't keep his hands off me. Not that I minded though.

I combed my fingers into his messy locks as I waited for my call to go through. On the first ring, it was answered.

"Kairi! Where are you?! Are you okay?!"

I blinked at my brother's panicked voice, "Good morning to you too, Take. I'm with Mikey. Relax."

I heard him sigh in relief, before his tone changed into a serious one, "We need to talk. Can you meet me at home?"

The second that Take called me 'Kairi' and not nee-san, I knew which Take I was speaking to. But I was hoping I was wrong. By the way he got serious, I knew something must have gone wrong with his future.

"Yeah. I'll be there soon."

I didn't wait for his reply. I flipped off my phone, sliding out of Mikey's arms to get dressed. I stretched my sore body from the events of last night. It's been three weeks since we first made love and yet my body was still getting used to it. Well, Mikey wasn't exactly gentle.

My cheeks flushed at the naughty thoughts popping into my mind of all the times we've done it.

"When will you be back?"

I turned around to look at my pouting fiancé, "I don't know. But my brother needs me so..." I quickly pecked Mikey's lips, "I have to go. I'll be back as fast as I can."


I watched as my brother's face held hesitance as he looked everywhere but in my eyes. I turned my head at the other person in my brother's bedroom. The other person that knew about my brother's time traveling.

"Chifuyu, mind telling me what is going on since Take is taking his damn time? Mikey's waiting for me to get back."

The last thing I wanted was to make him wait. Even though we have been spending a shit ton of time together. Well, wouldn't you spend all the time you could with the person you loved? Not to mention, we planned on getting married in about a year.

"That's... Something Takemitchy should be the one to tell you about."

Chifuyu looked away, looking pale. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

"I am guessing that the future is shit? Otherwise, you wouldn't have come back."

By the way my brother's body stiffened, I knew I was right.

"What is it? Just spill it out."

Take's hands tightened as he shut his eyes, "You died... You died, Kairi. And Mikey... Mikey changed... He... He..." My brother couldn't get the words out.

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