Ninja Cookie

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How'd you get his attention????????

.Ninja Cookie is very secretive, and rarely talks to others to keep his secrets, secrets.

.But when he meets you, he doesn't do much at first.

.How "active" he is depends on his darlings view at him.

.If his darling doesn't acknowledge him, he'll do small things to get your attention. Stealing someone of yours and walking up to you saying you dropped it, small talk, and doesn't mind when you interrupt his training.

.Actually, he's a huge observer. And he's obsessive.

.You're like an angel that was called down from the creators to fill his heart.

.So he looovvvess when you talk to him first. He could listen to you for hours.

.Although he seems cold at first, his darling would notice his soft side around them.

.He's not stupid either, which makes him a difficult yandere to have.

.He knows basically everything about his darling. More than they know themselves.

.He notices any small changes, and immediately takes action if their attitude around him changes.

.He'll ask if they're okay at first, and observes their face. Once they're uncomfortable around him, he snaps.

.He needs your attention. He needs you to at least acknowledge him.

.Ninjas heart aches at the thought of his darling not loving him.

.Rejection will result in kidnapping.

.Theres not much you can do after that. He knows you.

.The most you can do is give in or just pretend you like him.

.Also, he doesn't have many friends. Not many people would notice you two are missing. And if they do, they probably can't really do anything about it.

.He's a ninja. Literally.

.His sanity relies on your attention and approval.

.Not a good one to have honestly.

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