Rye Cookie + AN

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This is going to be a Criminal! Reader.

-I've never admitted this until now, but I've fallen out of my CRK phase months ago. I'm going to write Ananas + Pitaya(Rivalry) because people seem to really want that, but then that's it. After that, I'll close this book. Thank you for all of your guys support, but I'm sorry. I'll write other things soon too! Just not CRK.-
^Again, thank you guys so much. I'm so thankful for 130K reads.<3

Pronouns: They/Them, Gender Neutral

Pronouns: They/Them, Gender Neutral-

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❦.I like to think that she still has a slight hope that everyone has good in them, whether it's true or not.

❦.She never acts on it, she knows that people became villains for a reason. She believes that greater good comes first, even if she feels bad. Which in most, if not all cases, she doesn't.

❦.She met you in a town, she thought you were a good gal. (im just going with gal, ok?) You were easy to get along with. Too easy.

❦.Theres been cases on a runaway thief, one that only Rye Cookie herself can catch.

❦.She thinks it'll be easy peasy. She just has to be on the lookout. That is, until the so-called criminal isn't caught  for 14 days.

❦.How? She's kept an eye out! She even interrogated some suspicious cookies! She doesn't even suspect you until someone else points it out.

❦.Which is rare for her. She's one to suspect every and any cookie. Doesn't really want to interrogate you, but again, greater good comes first.

❦.It..ends quickly. Rye can't bring herself to think of you as a criminal. How can an angel like you be on the path of evil? While she is one to get rid of evil, for someone she cares about, she's going to try to guide them to the path of good.

❦.One day, you went missing. Apparently, story from the villagers, you took disguise as a traveler and robbed the bank! You were on the run now!

❦.Of course, this is a huge shocker to Rye. She thought your kindness was genuine..was it just to gain her trust? But why? Poor Rye has already fallen in love with you.

❦.It really was too good to be true..

❦.Not to Rye Cookie.

❦.She believes that you can still be good. She believes that with time, you'll be as kind as you were before. Genuine, this time.

❦.Her little to no sympathy towards troublemakers is now skyrocketed for you. She hunts you down, just to save k̸i̸d̸n̸a̸p̸ you, just to try to guide you towards the right path.

❦.If she did succeed, you're put into a room where you're carefully taken care of and monitored.

❦.If you show any trouble or anything of your 'villain' personality, you're scolded and told that you don't have to give into those desires and..voices? Anymore. That she'll do anything she can to help you.

❦.I mean, at least you're not in prison. But here is just like one. Even worse? She gives into your acting. Just like she did before. Be careful though, she's not dumb, either.

❦.Even if she doesn't succeed in 'saving' you, she's now on your tail for the rest of your lives.

❦.Every time you try to fight her, she says that she'll never hurt you. That she just wants to help you.

❦.Its either you switch up/get kidnapped, or her life. She really won't stop unless she dies or you turn into a better person.

❦.But there's just some people you can't save.


It's a little short, sorry.

There's a blizzard coming my way, powers going to go out soon haha.
Ty for the support again!

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