Platonic! Onion Cookie

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.Onion Cookie feels so much platonic love for her parent/big sibling figure that it can be overwhelming.

.Relies on her darling so much,

.She can't stand being away from them for too long, as she begins getting scared and needy for their attention.

.Because of her nightmares, she either cuddles with her darling or has them be close to her bed.

.Similar to a baby, she can sense their presence and scent, which calms her and makes her feel loved.
(quick note: babies mostly stay asleep when they smell their mother or feel them around, thats what I was going for)

.If she doesn't smell their scent or sense their presence, she gets scared and starts sobbing. If her darling isn't around, another cookie most likely hears Onion Cookie and tries to find you to calm her down.

.Runs to you and hugs you sobbing saying she was scared.

.The guilt seeing her like that makes her darling spoil her with affection.

.Your affection is something she cannot go without, if you're busy, just a crumb or a few is enough to get her through the day.

.She needs constant reassurance you don't think she's crazy, and that you love her.

.Her darling is like an angel from high up in the sky that's there to make her feel loved.

.During the day, she just silently follows them and spends quality time with them.

.She doesn't like when her darling talks to other people, but mostly clings to them, just hides behind their legs until you're done talking.

.If she's unhappy with someone when they're talking to you, she starts crying, driving your attention away from the person quite quickly.

.She just lies and says she saw a ghost, and then you take her away to calm her down.

.Loves you soo much, that she doesn't really cry around you. Unless she's sad or unhappy.

.She feels so safe and loved in your hugs omgggg

.Due to her clinginess and constant crying when you say you're going on an adventure, you're unable to.

.After-all, she'll cause trouble for some other cookie, and the guilt doing so ain't so tasty.

.Awww just imagine her bringing you some little daisies- she gives you a big hug when you put it in your hair.

.A very good yandere to have! I would just think she's too relying.

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