(Request) Mint Choco Cookie + Cocoa Cookie

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Sorry for not posting for 4 days. I have online school and it's literally hell.

.Probably the best duo to have.
(Well, not really realistically, but yk)

.I think they're one of the only duos who wouldn't be a threat to you physically.

.Since I say so, they are a couple already. Ok?

.Now, weird that the both of them have caught an interest to you. You're most likely someone who stands out. Like, super nice and known to be, or just someone really awkward who can't take anything seriously. But either way, you stand out.

.Now, at first, this may cause confusion between the two.

.Of course they love each other, but the love they share for you is so much more, extreme.

.This causes long talks and agreements, just to make sure that they won't think they're cheating on each other, just trying to keep that trust there.

.It isn't hard, no. They solely come to an agreement that besides loving each other, they love their darling as well.

.So, they decide that they'll have you. Sharing, of course.

.Thus, being one of the duos that would work good together. They need each other's support, as much as they need you.

.Actually, I see them as the best duo for you. They're just so loving and affectionate towards you.

.Well, they of course have their competition. Competition to be your favourite.

.Mint Choco would play your favourite tunes and show off to you, even making songs for you, preforming them with style.

.Cocoa would invite you over ALL the time, always making your favourite drink or trying new stuff with you. She always makes snacks and offers for the two of you to make them together.

.Of course, it'd be normal to think they're cheating on each other. But, both of them assure you that it isn't like that. Not telling you that they BOTH love you and each other, but they're not ready to tell you..just yet.

.Their competition to be your favourite doesn't really die down, unless you aren't taking a romantic interest in either of them.

.However, if you did gain a interest to at least one of them, the one that you like more would push you more towards the other one. For example, you gained a crush on Cocoa. She'd push you towards Mint Choco more, so you can like him too.

.Both would be honoured to be your favourite, but both are still considerate of the other. After all, they still love each other.

.However, if after all their tries and you still don't take an interest in either of them, they work together.

.Just imagine taking a stroll through the kingdom just to have Mint Choco run up to you, saying he made a beautiful melody just for you, while Cocoa comes up and hugs you, offering to hear it with you.

.Both spoil you with affection and just overall attention, being so gentle and patient with you.

.Their goal is to gain your trust, and affection. It's not hard to, both are very kind and easy people to talk to when somethings on your mind.

.It'd take a while, as both of them are wary on the idea, but after a couple months of trying to get your affection and favouritism, they kidnap you.

.Of course, they try their absolute best to make sure they don't accidentally harm you. Such as gripping too hard, or putting you into a uncomfortable position. But, that's pretty hard with all your struggling.

.They'll try to sooth you, saying that you'll be okay and they'll never hurt you.

.And it's true! They barely put restraints on you, and if you're fighting back to the point where you need them, they make them as comfortable as possible.

.Very affectionate, you're always sandwiched between them for cuddles or one of them is always holding your hand or hugging you.

.Now, I don't think it's common for one of them to be gone, nevermind both of them. If for some reason there's a situation that needs both Cocoa and Mint Choco, they lock you in your room, they allow a chain that allows you to move around, and surround you with your favourite things.

.However, you're not allowed technology unless one of them are keeping an eye on you.

.Nonetheless, they both adore you, and both work so well together because they aren't trying to keep you to themselves. But for each other.

.As much as they'd love it, you can't really play favourites here. As I said before, your 'favourite' will just force you towards the non-favourite.

.If you behave enough, they'll take you on hikes or just going out on a date! Both are sticking to your side like glue, and if you're not in arms length you're probably gonna have to be forced to hold both of their hands.

.Best duo for you. Well, they absolutely won't let you leave, but you don't have to worry about being hurt. At all. They don't have the heart to do that.

.They love you. Despite competition, they'll put everything aside just to make sure you're happy.


Like halfway through this I got a hair in my eye and literally still continued to write...

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