Strawberry Crepe Cookie (Unique) (Platonic)

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User judokika-chan: "Yan! Strawberry Crepe + possessive Reader who lost their own child?"

Aww they're so cute

This is a awesome request! I had to do it

Pronouns: They/Them, Gender Neutral
Reader is parental figure

Pronouns: They/Them, Gender NeutralReader is parental figure~ꨄ~

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ꨄ.In any and every scenario, they're happy your child has passed.

ꨄ.They themselves are a very jealous child, even more so as a yandere.

ꨄ.Strawberry Crepe hates whenever their darlings attention is on someone else, and you having a child, you're obviously gonna pay a lot of attention to them.

ꨄ.This causes them to become more clingy and demanding, demanding for your attention. They'll go as far as telling you they'll do something like hurt other cookies.

ꨄ.Of course, you discipline them and stop them from doing that.

ꨄ.With a parental figure, they're more reckless than with a sibling. They just want it to feel like they're your child.

ꨄ.Strawberry Crepe would definitely kill your child, but you being super upset stops them most of the time. But it will definitely cross their mind more than once.

ꨄ.But..what if your child didn't die from murder? What if Un-fixable?

ꨄ.It crosses their mind more than often, their hatred towards your child isn't so well hidden either. They make it so you don't shut them off from your life, but enough to make you often having to discipline them, it often feels like you have a second child.

ꨄ.Strawberry Crepe won't hurt your child physically or anything, but they won't stop them from giving into child curiosity and getting hurt.

ꨄ.Such as your child wandering in the forest, Strawberry Crepe will only just watch, or go off looking for you.

ꨄ.They are smart, and know when not to be so careless. However, they are still a kid so when your child does wander off, Strawberry Crepe leads them on. "I bet it'd be so cool in there! Right c/n?!" (Child name)

ꨄ.They wouldn't let your child die though. But..

ꨄ.They're just a lonely child, right? You're bound not to blame or even suspect them.


ꨄ.Then the tragedy happened. Your child got a disease there was no cure for.

ꨄ.You tried everything. Tens of medicines, treatments, heck, even magic. Nothing.

ꨄ.Your child was dying and you could do nothing.

ꨄ.Strawberry Crepe was (trying) supporting you the whole way. They aren't good with words, so they just sit beside you holding your hand while you're stressing out.

ꨄ.Who knows? Maybe Strawberry Crepe lured your child to their lab and were the one to get them sick. But you won't know that. All you know is that Strawberry Crepe has a strange liking to you.

ꨄ.When your child finally passed, all they could do is hug your side as you cry over your child's grave.

ꨄ.They don't bother to try to comfort you, not that they don't care that you're crying, but because they aren't good with it at all.

ꨄ. .....And they don't care for your kid, at all. They don't know what to say. They don't feel bad at all, but you crying so much upsets them greatly.

ꨄ.Depression hits you like a truck, and Strawberry Crepe was on your hip the whole time. When you can't get out of bed, they're either in bed with you or trying to drag you out to play. Basically, that little brat is trying to replace the spot of your child.

ꨄ.And it works! Sort of? If you accuse Strawberry Crepe of anything in a stage of anger, they get sad and either run away or try to guilt-trip you. They are a little sassy, though.."I just wanted to play _____....ay but you aren't even out of bed! Let's goo!"

ꨄ.When you're finally out of the stages of grief, you've already moulded Strawberry Crepe as your child, just as they've done so.

ꨄ.And I'm telling you. They reaally like when you forbid them from exploring a bit. You say they'll get sick or hurt? Cool! More parent-child time!

ꨄ.They do drag you out to check out their lab or just to play tag outside, but they enjoy staying at home too.

ꨄ.In public, you hold their hand, just to relieve the anxiety that they'll get lost and taken or something.

ꨄ.Strawberry Crepe on the other hand, now demands you hold their hand whenever you're out. Once you walk out that door, they're already grabbing your hand.

ꨄ.Of course, that's not all they want. They want piggyback rides too. Or even shoulder rides!

ꨄ.Overall, they're super happy you now treat them as if they're your kid.

ꨄ.You're the parent they've always dreamed of! They won't let anyone hurt or take you away.

ꨄ.Not even someone close to you. Like your child.

ꨄ.Afterall, they deserve you more, right?


Aaaaa sorry for the super late chapter!! ;;
Closing this book! Maybe a last chapter? Anyone wanna request the last chapter?? ?? (Mango specifically lol)

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