Wind Archer Cookie (Blind Darling)

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User spadeice: "can I get a yandere wind archer x blind reader?"

I'm currently sick😔. Every time I lay on my side one side gets clogged I hate this

Cookies pronouns: He/Him
(His Wikipedia said male)

Pronouns:They/them, Gender Neutral


Wind Archer Cookie is known as the protecter of the forest, most loyal to the Millennial Tree

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.Wind Archer Cookie is known as the protecter of the forest, most loyal to the Millennial Tree.

.He is naturally friendly to those who care for plants or just people who don't harm the forest. Such as Herb Cookie, who cares for forest herbs.

.While being very wary of travellers, he just keeps a very close eye on them. One slip up and he's ready.

.Now, being blind, you use sense of touch to admire and learn new things. Such as going into forests, to feel the different kind of tree barks or plants.

.You can also take care of yourself! While you may not be the strongest in battle, you use hearing and aura to detect where your enemies are. Scary, you can manage.

.Which is why you were a bit startled when you suddenly sensed someone.

.Your sense to know when others are around is higher due to you relying on it quite heavily.

.It was faint, clear that this person knew how to hide their presence. But clearly, you weren't the regular traveller.

.You didn't know what to do. Was it an enemy? it would've attacked you by now.

.You were scared, putting your guard up. Whatever or whoever that was, better go away soon.

.Wind Archer was curious. You weren't harming the forest, no. But you were..touching plants and the trees to guide yourself. Are you hurt?? It takes him a while to get it.

.He's regularly busy, with cleansing the souls of the forest. So he leaves you be, deeming you as harmless.

.You don't leave his mind though. Who were you? And..what exactly were you doing?

.After a bit, he seeks for you again. The winds guide him to you, and you seem lost.

.And you were. Like, you didn't know the forest was THIS big. You got carried away, and had to attempt to retrace your steps into going back the way you came from. That is, until you felt that same presence. Okay. Who was that? This time, you call out.

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