(Request)-Vampire Cookie

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Should I change my book cover/srs

did y'all see that tiktok with strawberry crepe and vampire

"How long will it take to liquify a sugar gnome?!"

"Drink up!"

.Probably one of the most harmless yanderes out there.

.He probably just expects you to stay by his side and not be so much trouble.

.And when I mean so much trouble, I mean hitting him, and throwing stuff everywhere.

.You most likely caught his attention from you taking care of him when he goes too far with drinking or being a regular customer at Sparkling's bar.

.If you take care of him, he most likely won't know it's you until you or another cookie tells him.

.If you're a regular, then you probably do something to stand out, like getting emotional when you're drunk or really honest. Or maybe being the sober one?

.You've caught his attention either way, and he's interested.

.I honestly see him being a really nice and chill yandere. Dude has never thought of physically hurting you.

.Buttt he might turn you into a vampire just so he won't outlive you. That's probably a last option though.

.But before that, he just does some harmless flirting and side hugs.

.He tries to be your sort of friend that's really easy to talk to, he just wants you to view as a possible significant other.

.Really patient. Like he could wait a year just for you to want to be his friend.

.If you're difficult to talk to, as in ignoring him or being straight up rude, he'd be a little disappointed. But hey, it's the love of his life he's trying to talk to. He can wait.

.But every yandere has a limit to how long.

.He eventually gets tired and becomes more ongoing.

.Hugging you, like bear hug, or kisses the back of your hand when you're stressed.

.He just wants the ball to get rolling already! I mean, he doesn't really want to kidnap you.

.If you're THAT difficult, then 3rd plan. Kidnapping.

(difficult in his eyes bb don't ever go with an obsessed person)

.He doesn't really like it, but you just won't listen.

.The only thing he really does to hurt you when he has you is the ropes around your body when you've gone to bed or when he's gone.

.He does take you out, a lot. Long walks, 'dates', and if you want, the bar.

.At night, he just loosely wraps his arm around your shoulders, while your legs are restrained and your wrists together.

.Dont worry! He'll make them as comfortable as possible!

.When he's gone though..you're still tied to the bed.

.He acts like you guys are already in a relationship, being so open and kind to you.

.You probably hate him since you're tied up all the time at night, but he just tells you to 'get used to it'. Since it'll take a lot to get him to trust you enough to let you free at night.

. "Just let it go ____! It ain't gonna happennn!"

.Probably gets shy around his darling too! Like blushes if any of his love is given back. Even if it's a small compliment you got him quiet for a few seconds before awkwardly laughing with a blush.

.Hasnt really thought of marriage, but definitely wants it to happen someday.

.And it will.


y'all ever just accidentally fall off your bed but it surprisingly doesn't hurt

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