Platonic! Mango Cookie *Blind Darling

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just thought of this
plus I can tell some of y'all are basically starving for chapters so

usual reader is parent/big sibling figure

this is kinda long bc I love mango sm

.Mango either met you when he was young, or you were on a boat and crashed onto his island.

.He of course checked your pulse, checked and healed any injuries, and made sure you didn't stay out in the sun for too long.

.When you wake up, you're greeted with darkness, (obviously) and what sounds like sand being played with right beside you.

.Mango can tell when you've woken up, due to the change in your breathing.

.He jumps up and excitedly introduces himself, right after telling you where you are.

.You look over to the voice, and introduce yourself as well, but Mango notices something, your eyes.

.They look unfocused and dull? Why? It looked like you weren't even looking at him? But through him?

.He asks you about it, apologizing in the process if his question offended you.

.Thats when he learns you're blind. He feels so much pity, and swears to return you to your home.

.Well, that's what he believes now.

.Since you're super weak to your surroundings, you have to rely on Mango for directions and safety, which he LOVES.

.He spends most of the day telling you about his adventures, or letting you feel around his home to get used to your surroundings.

.Mango loves holding your hand. He drags you all around the place, of course not going too hard so you don't fall.

.He feels very guilty about this, but he honestly likes how weak you are, so you have to rely on him for almost everything and have a very low chance of leaving.

.He always says that he'll protect you, and not to let any harm come towards you. As he honestly feels that way, he starts to become wary of the thought of you leaving.

.Mango knows you can do stuff by yourself, and he allows you to do so. As long it's by his side, he'll allow you.

.Relies on his darling as much as they have to do him. He loves them very much, and cherishes them everyday.

.As he does love them so, if their darling disapproves of something he does/did, he immediately stops. Well, unless it's leaving you alone.

.He knows a little about blindness, often thinking of the phrase, "If a blind person hates you, they hate you as a person."

.Thats why he really doesn't want to make you upset about anything towards him.

.Lets say after a week/month/year, someone recognizes your disappearance, as long with your boat, and comes to Mangos island to rescue you and take you home.

.Mango would be devastated. He'd basically begin begging you to choose him over your home, as he's had many other people leave him, making a empty promise to come back.

.If you still chose to go home, Mango maybe or maybe not would follow you with his own boat. Once he finds out where you live, he'd visit...daily.

.And I mean daily.

.At least 2 times a week. LEAST.

.Mango would probably ask to move in, or at least near you. You're blind! Anyone can hurt you and you wouldn't know until it happens!

.He has to visit you, he'd die from worrying if he didn't.

.But on the other hand, if you chose to stay with Mango, he'd be over the moon.

.Hes so happy! Someone's finally gonna live with him! And out of all people, you! His most favourite person in the world!

.He'd help adapt you to your new life, again, making another tour incase he forgets. Well, not like you can walk alone, he'd either be holding your hand or be right by your side.

.Mango cares very much for his darling, but always has to be by your side. Well, you're blind.

.Hes like a little protective knight! :)


I love mango smmsmsmsm

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