(Request) Rougefort Cookie

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Guess what? I've decided to finish this before Almond solely because I've seen a couple people who would probably like this chapter. Well, here you go.

....I also deleted Cookie Run Ovenbreak, so I can make more storage. So, this is basically a chapter solely on research and YouTube....

Also, I do not know Rougefort's pronouns. I've now been told Rougefort is they/them, so I'll use them.

.Mischievous bastard. But, we've seen that they're capable of human decency, and they're not a murderer.(I think)

.Well, until now...

.From the start, they were interested in your person. Something about you just attracted them.

.They don't fall right away. More of wanting your attention more, like a crush.

.But also pissing you off is exciting to them. They just seeing you mad.

.Actually, I can see them being similar to Licorice. However, they tend to be more mysterious, being mischievous as well. Often stealing your things just to create a chase to get your item.

.They don't care how mad or how much you hate them. You're just fun to play with!

.They steal a lot of stuff, going from jewels to ancient relics. So, once in a while they gift it to you. Sometimes you get caught holding the jewel/relic and now you're being chased by the police.

.Dont worry! Rougefort will help you. Only if you let them.

.They will legitimately continually ask you if you need help, obviously letting the police get closer until you have to scream at them your answer.

.Rougefort comes and goes when they feel like it, being more absent than in your life. Despite your demands to just leave you alone they insist.

.Rougefort is one for formality. Often treating you like you're a royal one day than continuing to tease you the next. Also gives you pet names. Such as Darling or something..

.But despite these, they're also a remover type. Removing any cookie they think are either hurting you or taking you away.

.They won't kill the friend you simply hang out with in the day, unless you're using them to avoid or ignore them. If you don't want them to die, I suggest giving Rougefort what they want.

.Would they kidnap you? Absolutely.

.Im being honest. I can see them telling their darling before they do it that they want to kidnap them, just to see the horror in their face.

.It'd be useless going to the police, that'd just piss them off a little.

.When you are taken away, they'd be sure to make fun of you for simply letting them take you. Even if you did put up a fight.

.Dont bore them. They're keeping you because you're 1. Super fun to tease. And 2. You're worth keeping around as long as you're still interesting.

.I don't know what'll happen if you bore them. They'd either kill you or start trying to get amusing reactions out of you by doing something like torture.

.With that, they don't hurt you. I mean, unless you call them shoving you harming you.

.All they want is your attention and they're not going to let you go, for entertainment reasons...


Guys, I'm done the oneshot. But i don't know when to post it.

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