(Request)-Lotus Dragon Cookie *Plump Darling

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ain't writers block so cool :'D
Annnff for some reason the font looks different for me
also I just downloaded ovenbreak so this might be bad sorry

.Lotus Dragon is looked up to and basically is people's hope.

.Even if they don't truly give power.

.Despite this, you caught their attention.

.I cant see them really caring about your weight or looks, cause they think everyone's beautiful. Well, more of their soul and personality.

.Though, they find you so unique and different. Not solely because of your looks, but because of your personality and how you manage to look so beautiful, even if you've been hurt because of it.

.When they become more interested and attached to you, they'll try to be the only person you look to for support.

.They'll overshadow the need of your friends and supporters, as they do have more to offer.

.Would never think of hurting you. You're such a beautiful person, with a even more beautiful soul.

.All you have to do is ask for something and it's given. No matter how big. Well, except for them to back off a little bit.

.They'll always offer a hand, and tells you that you can run to them for help, they'll always be there for you.

.While they wouldn't kidnap her darling, she more of does the "The world is dangerous, im trying to protect you" thing.

.Cause yes, there are some hateful cookies who rely more on looks. They just don't really want you to experience poison in your life.

.They warn you and tell you about opinions of people in your life. As if trying to hurt your view on them.

.If someone betrayed/hurt you, they'll open their arms to you, trying their best to comfort while saying they'll be the person you need instead.

.As for their rivals, they don't really prefer killing. More of trying to get them to hate you.

.So when everyone you once loved hates or doesn't like you, they'll be the only one there to love you.

.I can see them trying to court their darling in the process, mainly complimenting your looks, as they truly desire being your main support in your life.

.If their darling sees through their actions and intentions and tries to run away, they threaten your family.

.So your choice here is basically run away from them, and restart your life, but without the people you love, leaving them behind.

.Or stay with Lotus Dragon. Cause they really do love you.

.Choice is yours. :D

wow 15K reads on my first book😭 tysm
i honestly thought I would delete this after like 200 reads but :////

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