Madeleine Cookie

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.His heroic actions grabs a lot of the cookies attention.

.He also gets a lot of praise.

.He only wants yours, though.

.Another yandere where his sanity relies on your attention.

.If you don't really acknowledge him, he'll legit follow you around and show off his heroic actions.

.If you guys are friends, he'd be soo happy.

.Soon you'll realize he's the one for you!

.If he still doesn't grab your attention, he'll be so desperate.

.Madeleine would show up at dawn to your door to greet you, and sorta try to shove himself into your life.

.Anyways, he always tries to talk to you, and gets sad at your small or no responses.

.You just need to trust him right! So he'll stay by your side until you approve of his presence!

.Although he is delusional, he knows that in order to get your true love, you have to like him and want to be around him.

.Your rejection doesn't get to his lovesick brain until you drill it into his head.

.That's when he realizes.

.He gets furious, and kidnaps you.

.Even in his hold, he still treats you like royalty.

.He knows nobody would do anything, only those who were foolish to accuse him went quiet or missing.

.After-all, he's heavily praised.

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