(Request)-Platonic! Poison Mushroom Cookie

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artist creds are M1zuMelon on reddit

omg should I just go onto every chapter I've posted and edit all of them bc I always make like one grammar mistake or som😭😭😭

I edited strawbery crepes chapter yay

I feel like if I do the ones I want/know more first I'll get chapters out faster so here

.Aw hell yeah.

(If 'hell' autocorrects to 'he'll' one more time I'm gonna delete this book)

.At first meeting, Poison Mushroom probably tried to kill them, but didn't.

.It was just you treated them like a lost child!

.The more your guys relationship grows, the more they view you as a older sibling/parent.

.And the more their platonic love goes overboard.

.They still joke about mushrooms and all that, but would be worried if their darling joked about it back.

.Actually, thats when they worry about their darling.

.Again, Pomegranate would probably be pissed at them for getting emotionally attached to someone, and go out to kill you.

.Thats when they break down.

.They pretty much beg Pomegranate to hurt them instead of you, cause they're pretty selfless around their darling anyway.

.You decide if you beat Pomegranate Cookies ass or Poison Mushroom attempts to protect you with their life and fight her.

.If you're the one who's injured, they start sobbing.

.They never wanted her to intervene! After that, they probably distance them self's as an attempt to save you from any further harm.

.But of course, they start to feel sad and lonely without you near them so they just come back randomly.

.Very confused on why they have so much platonic love for you.

.Becomes very curious around their darling, about their past or thoughts.

.Always tries to get you to sit down with them and just talk about yourself. And I mean them full on going :> "Can't you talk about yourself for once?"

.Always agrees with anything you say, any opinion, anything really.

.They have this mindset that if they satisfy you, you'll love them more.

.As for their level on clingyness, they're actually not that touchy.

.They more of follow you or do favours.

.When they do want physical touch, they stand closer, not actually saying anything, until you hug them or give them a peck on the forehead.

.Its super cute and it's not like they're asking for a lot, just a little reminds them that you love them.

they're so adorbalele

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