(Request)-Red Velvet Cookie *Blind Darling

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writers block holding me at gun point


.Red Velvet doesn't think he deserves any sympathy, including his darling.

.But now that he soon learns that you are blind, he's now convinced himself he needs to be there for you.

.Cause he knows he won't hurt you. He knows he won't judge you.

.Its already dangerous out there for a cookie, and now he finds out you're blind?!

.Even if you know your surroundings and can manage around, he insists and guides you.

.With a darling who's blind, I feel like his protectiveness would boost up a lot.

.He definitely takes you around the kingdom and takes your hand so you can feel things. Your face is the light of his day.

.As you can do some things by yourself, Red Velvet does everything else you can't. To the point where you need him in your life.

.He feels pity, knowing that it must be so hard trusting a person. I mean, you can't see.

.No matter how you play your cards, whether you love him or not, he's going to kidnap you.

.He's already on some people's bad sides, just imagine how they'd react when they find out he has a blind love interest.

.His biggest fear with a blind darling is not being able to protect you, from the dark in the world.

.Now as for rivals, his awareness boosts up a lot.

.Even if he looks away for a second, you could be taken away and would have no idea until it happens.

.As he already regularly takes you around the kingdom, he holds your hand to guide you.

.He of course gets a few stares, but a single glance can shoo them away.

.Despite his boosted possessiveness and protection, he gains a much softer spot for his darling.

.It makes him feel wanted and needed in their life, like they've already accepted him.

.As for the kidnapping, he has a few locks around the house. Door, windows, but other stuff like the cleaning supplies closet, and stuff like that.

.He does a complete holding hand life technique.

.He insists about your independence and does basically everything for you.

.Bathing you, to make sure you don't drown.

.Feeding you, to make sure you don't choke.

.Helping you change, blah blah blah

.With a blind S/O, Red Velvet takes full advantage of your blindness without you knowing, or until it's too late.


guys ya sorry if this is bad I'm literally figthing to keep my eyes open😭😭

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