(Request)-Milk Cookie + Purple Yam Cookie

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Sorry image is blurry, I changed it.

that's a long ass title.

.You're in for a ride...

.Milk Cookie and Purple Yam are completely different people, with even more different personalities, so it'll be harder for you.

.Milk Cookie is more on the obsessive and praising side, while Purple Yam is more possessive/ protective of you.

.As for their own friendship, it depends on how stubborn you're being. Since Milk wants to protect you with his life, while Purple Yam is willing to kill you to keep you with him.

.At first, they work alone, gaining a strong hatred for the other.

.Milk stalks you when you're on an adventure, or rather being in your team, and jumps in to rescue you when danger is nearby.

.He also finds every excuse in the book to be by your side.

.Oh? You're going to go help Herb with his flowers! Let him help! Oh? You're having trouble putting together something? He'll help you! Oh? You're-

.Milk has a high chance of being your favourite out of the two, as he is more nicer and far more hard to piss off.

.He praises you whenever you do something, or tries to outclass the people you admire.

.Oh? That persons good at something? Well, Milk can do it so much better! Wanna see?

.Milk also tries to pollute your view on Purple Yam. He's just so possessive! Don't you feel trapped? Don't worry, Milk will protect you.

.No matter what you're wearing, he'll compliment your style! You're just so unique!

.He also gives you daily gifts, always wrapping it to make it special. Since it is! It's for you.

.Milks kindness doesn't mean Purple Yam is completely outclassed.

.He drags you away from anyone who he thinks/or are making you uncomfortable, for example, Licorice Cookie teasing you. (no, he isn't a yandere too. He's just being an asshole)

.Or maybe it's offering you small things, he's too shy and will yell at you if you make him feel shy.

.Of course, he apologizes, as he does have Milk Cookie on your back.

.He'll be more possessive, as in always demanding to be by your side, often trying to shove Milk away.

.Well, Milk doesn't mind. It's only ruining your view on Purple Yam.

.I don't think Purple Yam would realize Milks play in the game. He would rant about how much he hates Milk to you, how he's just as bad as you can't imagine him to be.

.Purple Yam in this scenario would be much more likely to kidnap you first.

.But, here's the big question. Could they work together?


.Since they really do want to protect you, they would only work together if a huge life threatening situation came upon you. For example, someone somehow kidnapped you and threatened to kill you for something in return.

.Or someone as powerful as Dark Enchantress Cookie coming after you.

.They would at first try to take the enemy on by themselves, but if the enemy is so strong they can't do it themselves, they work together, forming a strategy to finish the enemy once and for all.

.After the nasty battle, they realize how fragile and unsafe you are, so as much as they don't like the idea..

.They share you.

.You, of course, is kidnapped and put into a home, with lots of security and themselves.

.Theres most likely locks on every door, and barely windows. You're always with one of them, and if they can't stay with you, you're put into the basement.

.But, the other cookies would obviously notice your disappearance, as many witnesses noticed Milk and Purple Yams behaviour towards you, they agree to a solution.

.They fake your death.

.The huge battle they had? Well, you sadly perished. That's their story anyway.

.As Purple Yam goes out to tell every cookie in town the horrible news, Milk stays at home, kissing your face as he tries to comfort you being scared.

.Escape? You're pretty dumb for thinking you can.

.Even if you did, when they find you, it wouldn't end good. At all.

.Milk would have to hold Purple Yam back from being so violent, and maybe would have to run away with you, as Purple Yam would threaten to kill the both of you.

.Even after that, you would be stuck in a loop, one always stealing you away, and then always trying to kill each other.

.In general though, they're pretty protective.

.If someone somehow hurt you, someone will die.

.It'll most likely be Purple Yam doing all the dirty work, while Milk tries to comfort you about the upcoming death, even if you're not sad by it.

.You're almost at home with them anyway, Milk being the one to baby you while Purple Yam being the more possessive and easier to tick off.

.But even when you gain their trust, you'll always be in their arms, and in arms length.

.Cause they love you.

I'm so tired

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