(Request) Almond Cookie

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I'm actually shocked on how much views this book has. Thanks for 72K reads!

.Another one who needs a lot of time to grow a full obsession.

.He might have a small crush on you at the start. But for him to grow an obsession is a different story.

.Stress and time on his job really takes a toll on him. You'd have to continually appear in his life in order to get him to stay.

.Even when he becomes completely obsessed, he doesn't act on it much.

.Just continuing to be your friend, while also trying to become closer so you see him more as a potential lover.

.The others don't have normal behaviour though. Strange, the person who insulted you got arrested! You can ask Almond about it, but he simply shrugs.

.He arrests anyone who simply hurt you emotionally, even if they didn't, he still takes care of them. If they go as far as physically hurting you, then he assaults them. Or, kills them.

.If the person doesn't have any crime record, he frames them. Just to see them behind bars.

.Almond is strict when it comes to safety. Always telling you his opinion on what you're about to do, or when you go somewhere other than the kingdom.

.Other than his protective nature, he's actually a pretty tame yandere. He's very patient and kind towards you, so you won't had to worry about angering him.

.Huge soft spot for his darling. While it is still easy to catch on to it, he doesn't show you off or anything. Of course, he cherishes you. But he doesn't feel the need to publicly show his interest in you. Plus, that'd probably make you afraid of him. And, he doesn't want that.

.He still doesn't like when you show any other attention to others, but doesn't act on to it, basically allowing you to have friends.

.Tries to court you, but if his darling can't catch on to it, he just asks you out. To go on a date, basically. For someone like him, he's surprisingly very foward.

.If you accept then..your life is officially tied with him. He won't let you go once he convinced himself you reciprocate his feelings.

.And if you reject him, it depends on how you rejected him in the first place.

.If you show no pity or no problem with rejecting him, then he'll kidnap you. Cuffing you and dragging you away. While he is a tame yandere, he doesn't tolerate zero sympathy from his darling, He just doesn't understand. And is sort of mad that even when you were friends, you didn't even show a little interest in him? Odd. Well, you'll love him.

.On the other hand, saying sorry that you couldn't reciprocate his feelings will still upset him greatly, but then he'll stalk you. Like, everywhere you go

.If he can't have you, nobody else can. He'll push everyone out of your life until there's only him left. Then he'll give you another chance. Another chance to give Almond the only thing he wants from you.

.Your love.


Guys..the last requested chapter is either gonna be Pure Vanilla or Pitaya? Cookie. Because 1. I'm still stuck on 9-5😭. And or Pitaya..I have NO idea who that is.

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