(Request) Platonic! Cotton Cookie (General + Shy Darling)

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creds for art is I hope https://mobile.twitter.com/rodarios2 or @Rodarios2 on Twitter (If this is wrong, please tell me the actual artist)

I haven't seen most of the Cotton Sherbet and Frost Queen story, but I'll use the spoilers I saw and just her story to write this :) (I won't spoil)

the opening theme for crk is so relaxing


Friend Figure

.Easily seen as super soft towards her darling.

.Her friend is seen as precious to her, you most likely help her in trying to help Sherbet Cookie.

.Yes, the both of you are very close and important to her. But, as shameful as she feels about it, you are more important to her than Sherbet Cookie.

.She'll of course be heartbroken if anything happened to him, you being the one to hug and comfort her.

.But if anything happened to you, she'd most likely never get over it.

.Cherishes her darling to no end, but doesn't really say it out loud. Like, she'll cherish you in her own ways, taking care of you and being worried for you all of the time.

.Loves spending time with you, such as stargazing or taking a night stroll.

.I view her wanting to be affectionate, such as hugs and a shower of compliments, but is too afraid to cross your boundaries or make you uncomfortable.

.She has so much platonic love for you, that it can sometimes be so unbearable.

.She really trusts you as well. Like if you were taking a stroll together and told her to wait while you went into the woods to do something, she'd stay right there until you come back, not one doubt in her mind that you won't.

.Sort of a mom kind of like friend, making sure you're okay, comfortable, and alright with her behaviour.

.Very easy person to talk to. While she kind of is a people pleaser, she voices her opinions and doesn't silence you.

.Cares so much for her friend, promising herself and you that she'll be there to guide you.

Big Sibling Figure

.Not far to different from her behaviour towards a friend, but is more reliable and comfortable with not always guiding or being in control.

.She loves guiding people with her lantern, but enjoys when her darling does the same to her.

.Probably talks about you a lot, even if you're right beside her.

.Its sort of like "Oh! ____ can do that too! They're really good at it! Well, they're  good at almost everything they do."

.Wants to become like her darling. Like being strong, and looks up to you a lot. If you're not in the right mind or has a lot of bad traits, she tries to help you, not to only help you but herself as well.

.Shes not exactly clingy, just more of a concerned sister.

.Since the worst she can do to you is cross your boundaries, but that's very very rare.

.More affectionate as well. Just simple things like kissing your cheek or hugging you. She loves when it's returned as well.

.Cotton Cookie, as usual, has a deep fear of losing you. You're the only thing she has close to family.

.But she'll make sure she won't lose you.

Shy Darling
Friend Figure

.Oh, she absolutely adores you!

.Just loves being the one to speak for you, while also trying to help you with your shyness.

.Being the one to guide you, and becomes more happy with holding your hand though the forest or town.

.More protective and expecting you to rely on her. Always saying on how she'll help you or would never replace you. Cause she wouldn't!

.If you needed it, she'd stay home with you and play board games with you, or just simply making out scenarios and ways you can communicate better with people.

.It kind of hurts her letting you leave home or something like going out to make friends, but she likes you being healthy and happy more, so she'll allow it.

.Now, right now she's acting like she's in love or something, or just giving you unconditional platonic love, but all she does is really cherish you. Even if it can get cheesy sometimes.

.She does admit she's cheesy! But "the good kind", sort of thing.

.Has made a goal in her mind. 'Help ____ make 10 friends' and 'Make ____ smile and laugh as much as possible'.

.Your laugh is very contagious to her, as you usually try to cover it up with your hands, it's not really common for you to.

.She thinks shyness is a gift, for amazing people like her to give you s chance of having a friend, or even lover.

.Huge supporter, and sort of cheerleader.

.She always praises you for coming out of your comfort zone even a little bit, or talking to someone first. It's embarrassing.

.Feels devastated she'll have to let you go one day. But when that day comes, she'll try to be prepared.

Shy Darling
Big Sibling Figure

.Admires you a bunch. I mean, you went out of your comfort zone to be a good big sibling! (To her)

.Shes more of the worried and happy little sister, trying her best not to anger or upset you.

.It depends if you're shy with her like you're shy with strangers.

.If you're shy around her as well, she'll try her hardest to try to get past your shell, while also trying not to hurt you or upset you.

.She'll make handmade gifts, and slide it under your door or something. She just doesn't want to say anything rude to you or force you to talk.

.Or lets say you're super fun and funny around her cause she's considered family, but you're shy around other cookies.

.Again, guiltily enjoys it, but tries to help you out of your shell anyway.

.Her favourite thing to do with you is draw. You two draw pictures and communicate with them. LOVES giggling with you as you two draw stickmen with top hats.

.She views it as very special time with you, and cherishes most moments she has with you.

.She loves you as her only family. She hopes more than anything you won't leave her alone. She knows you have to leave one day, but dreads for it to come.

.Whether it'd be you choosing your family and friends over her or simply death separating you two.

.She'll cherish you, even in death.


again, I'm tired
but I write the best chapters when I'm tired 😎

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