(Request)-Raspberry Cookie

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she looks so cool

.Raspberry is a protective and possessive yandere.

.While she is trying to get stronger, at first she views her love for her darling as a distraction and avoids them.

.Later on she cant stand being away from them anymore, as her "love" grows.

.She probably thinks her darling can't fend for them self as she views them always needing her care.

.Due to this mindset she kind of forces her darling out of battle and says she'll go instead.

.She'd prefer her blood(?) be spilled than yours any day.

.Raspberry probably has stress due to her not wanting to be a disappointment and wanting to always be stronger, so being around/relaxing with her darling always takes her mind off that.

.As she grows more attached, she becomes kind of...mean when her darling doesn't want to be around her.

.For example, if you completely insist to not going into battle and force her out of your way, she full on shoves you back and yells at you for being so stupid.

.She doesn't even feel guilty, until her darling is openly mad about her protectiveness.

.Raspberry was always told to be stronger, and now she'll use that strength to protect her beloved. But she can't do that if you keep on getting mad/upset over it.

.She acts as a bodyguard, following you around and carefully monitoring your relationships with people.

.She is jealous, but trusts her darling that they won't betray her.

.I mean, you know she loves you, right?

.Well, she trusts her darling until it involves their safety.

.She is willing to kidnap you if you keep on misbehaving and wanting to go into danger.

.She is a little guilt of doing so, but she'll die from worry if she doesn't.

.If she isn't able to do so, she'll either have a constant presence or stalk you.

.Would be pissed of being rejected or seen only as a friend.

.Would threaten you. Or your family if you reject her.
(I deadass put "if you reject you" at first omg)

.I don't know how to end this

.um overall she's a yandere I would not recommend

I'm not gonna put a If you accept them cause tf it's a yandere no don't do tha

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