Pomegranate Cookie + Licorice Cookie

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I'm sorry but I cannot find the artist, after I publish this I will continue to try to find them. Again, if anyone knows the artist please tell me.

what would you guys like for New Years? Like a specific chapter? But I can't do Pure Vanilla since there's apparently a lot more to his character than I know. (..yes, for New Years I'm willing to accept one more request)

Also I had a marvellous idea! This. They're both mentioned in each other's chapters (I believe) so I decided, why not?

.For starters, the only way to get them both to be attached to you, is if Licorice was already.

.Like, Licorice started following you around and bothering you. As he would.

.Now, he can be clumsy sometimes. Accidentally revealing your name, or even revealing that he has a 'lover'.

.Pomegranate gets angry at this, and plots to kill you to not only mentally destroy Licorice, but to get him to focus on serving Dark Enchantress Cookie.

.Licorice sees this, and now sticks by your side every minute of the day. No matter how much you either try to run or push him away. He'll go as far as isolating you somewhere with him if you get too annoying.

.It takes a while, as Pomegranate sees you as a distraction and a disgrace, but then starts to see why Licorice is so over you.

.You're just so..perfect. So perfect in many ways. Even if you have a bunch of flaws, she still takes an interest in you.

.She also can't really do anything, as every time she's in Licorice's view, he immediately drags you away.

.Even if she did manage to come close, Licorice would put up a scene, looking like the one to guard and protect you. Yes, he will yell and catch everyone's attention if it means Pomegranate backing off.

.All it does is rise Pomegranate's hatred for Licorice and desperation to have you already.

.But she doesn't understand why you're in his arms. Why he follows you everywhere? She begins to get mad, not only at Licorice, but at you.

.Are you allowing this?

.She not only plots to take you away, but to kill Licorice.

.I can't know if Licorice sees this and acts on it, or simply not care about himself just to keep you alive and safe.

.They would NOT work together.

.Both have very different goals. Licorice simply wants your attention, while Pomegranate goes down a darker road, wanting to break you just so she won't have trouble with you resisting.

.Sure. They weren't all fond of each other when they didn't meet you, but once they fell madly in love with you, it's just full on hatred now.

.Even if they tried, they wouldn't be able to work together. Even if a threat came your way.

.Of course, they'd take care of it, and maybe sometimes go off track to try to kill each other.

.With that new information, yes. Any chance they'd get they'll try to kill one another. They just hate each other that much.

.Now, you're probably wondering about their life goal. Serving Dark Enchantress Cookie.

.Well, unlike Pomegranate, Licorice is willing to choose you over Dark Enchantress Cookie. He just simply wants to stay by your side forever. Even if it means coming out from the shadows.

.Now as for Pomegranate, she'd go nuts if she hasn't killed Licorice and claimed you yet. She wants to serve Dark Enchantress Cookie, with you by her side, of course.

.I don't think she'd be able to choose between the two of you. Even if you did die, she'd either keep your corpse or join you in the hands of death.

.Now that Pomegranate is openly trying to kill Licorice, he decides to kidnap you.

.He doesn't want to scare you! But because you're both at risk. Well, in his eyes, mainly you.

.He knows how cruel Pomegranate can be, especially if she was obsessed with someone. She'll hurt you.

.He likes watching his darling cry. Not beg for mercy and shake from trauma.

.This doesn't mean Pomegranate is not able to get her hands on you.

.Licorice maybe slips up somehow and she's able to take you away.

.When she does, she punishes you for not coming sooner. She'll make sure it'll hurt.

.Licorice would have a hard time finding you, but let's just say that he does.

.Whoever lives in their fight is the one to keep you.

.I don't know. Maybe you'll wake up chained in a basement with bruises and cracks in places.

.Or maybe you'll wake up to see Licorice sitting by your side of the bed, and smile at you waking up.

.Whatever happens, I hope you like your new 'lover'.


Okay, my wrist itched soo much while writing this it was so painful.

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