(Request)-Dark Enchantress Cookie

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y'all ever just


.Two words! You're fucked.

.So while you have time, say goodbye to having anything controlled by yourself in your life!

.Say goodbye to freedom!

.Im not even kidding when I say you're doomed.

.Dark Enchantress Cookie doesn't tolerate any kind of hope of escaping, plus she has very loyal servants to keep an eye on you.

.Shes the type to be very cruel, and one step out of the perfect performance can result in a punishment.

.No, not the one you'd expect. You'd most likely be left crying or begging for mercy. She doesn't hold back in torturing you.

.Shes still comprehending her emotions towards you, really only evil residing in her cold heart.

.The type to not only physically torture you, but to make you watch your home be destroyed, and the people you love being slaughtered.

.There! Now Dark Enchantress Cookie is really the only one to love you in this world.

.Did I mention she'll bring you as she makes you watch the world be torn to pieces? Yeah. That'll happen.

.She always has you by her side, or in the same room as her. Almost treating you like a slave/toy more than a lover.

.She expects you to be perfect. That also means when she's doing something with you, if you're unfocused for more than 5 seconds it's a beating.

.She'll most likely leave you traumatized, and scared when you're around her. One wrong move and you'll be greeted with a wave of pain.

.Despite her pure cruelty, she softened up after around 4-5 months of having you.

.I can see her finally accepting her emotions, and it'll definitely make you think it's a test when all of the sudden she's nice.

.And I mean her not hurting you anymore. As when she first had you, she tried to really break you(not kill) to make sure you behave, and meet her expectations.

.Feels bad if she left any trauma on you, and tries to treat you gently, in order to not break you.

.Even if she's nicer now, she is still very possessive.

.If for some rare reason, she can't be with you, she orders at least 2 guards, and most likely Pomegranate, to keep a very close eye on you.

.She knows Pomegranate is the most loyal out of the 4, so she relies on her when she's gone.

.Well, your only hope is the Great 5 to rescue you. They most likely have heard about you, from someone slipping up. Needless to say that person got murdered..

.Even when the big fight occurs, she isn't with you, she orders the Dark Cookies to make sure you're not hurt, and run away.

.As much as she prefers for your souls to rest for eternity together, she'd prefer you alive first.

.But for the sake of me ending this, let's say she won.

.Being injured and tired, she doesn't stop looking for you. She most likely knows where the Dark Cookies took you, so she heads there first.

.When she finds you, she swears to you that you'll be by her side when she destroys the world.

.Whether you like it or not.

.You won't try to deny.

.She trained you better.


guys🙎‍♀️ I'd prefer not to have sexual jokes in my comments thank you

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