(Request)-Platonic! Strawberry Crepe Cookie

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sorry if this is bad

.Strawberry Crepe is more on the teaser side, and rarely shows how much they truly care for their darling.

.Their darling is most likely someone who makes sure they dont commit crimes.

.As much as they love that, they do (pretend) to run off to do them while their darling chases them.

.Strawberry Crepe loves it!

.They may or may not have thought about studying their darling due to the sudden attention....

.Having parental/sibling figure can change Strawberry Crepe completely, as it shows how much they can love someone and not push them away.

.At first though, they only pushed them away as they were "too nice" but they eventually got under their skin.

.Another clingy yandere, they're also a very jealous one.

.You can imagine how they act when their darling talks with someone else.

.Especially the ones they despise.

.They full on drag their  darling away or kind of just stand in front of them looking at the person like: 😡

.Although they do poke fun at their darling, they should not take it seriously. If they do, then they kinda just stand there shocked, and gives a lil hug for like 3 seconds and says "sorry" super quietly. awww

.They show affection through quality time and just the difference between other cookies.

.Strawberry Crepe loves their darling very much. They believe that they cannot be treated unfairly as their darling is super powerful to them.

.They would never say it out loud.

.Strawberry Crepe teases their darling a lot, but surprisingly gets super cuddly when their tired and in bed.

.Lovvvessss when their darling cuddles him. Definitely makes them feel at home.

.When they find out their darling is going on another adventure, they full on clings themselves to their darlings back/side and puts all of their weight towards the ground.

.You're either going or stay or go with them.

.If you still go with a full on koala on you, expect to be shoved to the back or when you're close to danger.

.More than anything, they can't loose something important to them again. Especially someone they view as family.

.Not again.

.Strawberry Crepe and their darling always play random games in the day, they say it's "weird" but when the game starts they full on become a kid. (they already are but like)

.Bragging if they won, trying their hardest to win, that stuff.

.Doesnt really get mad when they loose too!

.They really like tag for some reason.

.Literally hates every other cookie.

.Theyre also very protective. When they do get away and have fun with the regular group, they don't really mention their darling. Unless it's something like "Let's get this over with, I'll be late for me and my parents/siblings game of tag."

.Expects them to not ask. If they do, they get pissed.

.Enjoys being taken care of from their darling, but whines like a baby when they're told that they're not allowed to go on stuff like that anymore.

.But feels better afterwards because, more time with their darling.

.Over-all, not a bad one to have.

.Say goodbye to your old relationships though.

thanks sm for the requests guys😭
it rlly makes me happy

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