Requests are Open (read whole thing!)

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Okay so, I have a small handful of requests Im basically dying trying to write. Like every time I open the chapter to write it I just '.'

So! Requests are open! I'm dropping all of my old ones, but if you've requested and I haven't done it, tell me because I don't wanna just leave someone's request alone. (unless it was requested when I said they were closed)

But here's the catch.

I want more, unique requests.

Like maybe a yandere Pastry Cookie with a darling who's really gullible. Or like a darling who has extreme trust issues. You know what I mean.

I realllly like those requests!
༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

..But try your best to keep it more of Cookie Run Kingdom characters? OvenBreak characters are just hard for me to write.

With that out of the way, any last unique requests before I close this book? :)))))

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