(Request) Parfait Cookie

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User jupiitixx: "yandere parfait with a deaf darling-? LMAO-"

Omg noo😭 but sure I can do this!
Also sorry if this is shorter than the other ones! I just wanna get these requests out!

(If seen as ableist or offensive, please put me in my place. I wish not to hurt anyone.)

Pronouns: They/them-Gender Neutral



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♥︎.It's amazing how you caught her attention in the first place, she's so busy!

♥︎.I can imagine one of her friends introducing her to you, Parfait has a bashful personality, so she'll be easy to get along with!

♥︎.She wasn't told you were deaf, so your first meeting was..quite awkward.

♥︎.She introduced herself, but all she was given was a wave. Or, you took out your notebook and wrote "Hello, my name is ___."

♥︎.It hits her like a truck, you can't hear her! Nor have you ever heard her songs!

♥︎.As she hangs out with you more, you being deaf is bugging her more and more.

♥︎.She knows it's completely not your fault, and she doesn't blame you at all.

♥︎.Parfait is more of a harmless yandere, she only wants her darlings affection and praise for her singing. If given, she'd be so motivated and happy.

♥︎.As she's falling for her darling, Parfait becomes more saddened you can't hear her music.

♥︎.The one thing she's worked so hard for, she's known by, the thing she tries so hard at, the one person she cherishes even more than her music, can't hear it.

♥︎.She needs to know from her darling that she's doing good, and that her trying is enough. Even if they do, she's happy. But there's still some part of her that tells Parfait that it isn't as genuine as she wants.

♥︎.Despite all this, She still loves and spoils her darling a lot. As much as she dreams of singing and being singers together, she picks up a new hobby. Like cooking! Just so she can spend more time with you.

♥︎.During her concerts, she gets you a VIP seat. Even if you can't hear it, you can still support her.

♥︎.She even offers you to help her write her next song!

♥︎.Would you believe that even with all of this, you guys aren't even in a relationship? Parfait doesn't even realize that she's treating the two of you like you've been dating for 4 years.

♥︎.It might even get to the point where you forget you guys didn't exactly say you were dating.

♥︎.Nonetheless, she still loves you very much. It's just a thing that bugs her, but she'll put it aside.


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