🌌New Years Special🌌

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Happy New Years!

I really love all of your support and kindness. I feel like the more I write headcanons here, the more I slowly improved. I can see this as I look through my old chapters.
Your guys comments always make me laugh, and I scroll through my chapters all the time just to read the comments.

I also see this as weird, considering what I write. But your guys support and interest in this book always makes me happy. Thank you.

I've also gained enough confidence to write a ONESHOT! This is extremely new to me, writing an actual oneshot.
Again! First time! I'll probably never do it again!😄

For this oneshot, it's going to be a oneshot revolving the Red Velvet with a Blind Darling! So yes, you're blind here. As my whole book is, the reader is GN. (Gender neutral)

Let's hope for a better year. <33


How'd you manage to get away?

You were currently hugging your legs to your chest. Sweat rolled down your face as your heart thumped out of your chest.

You had run away while Red Velvet was going out to get something for you. You don't know what it is, but that..thing has been forcefully putting you to sleep for the past couple weeks.

Breathing seemed to be so much harder now. Sucking in breaths, desperately trying to keep quiet doesn't seem so easy anymore.

The ground doesn't seem familiar, and you don't even know if you're out in the open. Thoughts has been running through your head like crazy.

Should you bolt it and try to at least fight back one last time?

Or should you stay hidden and pray he thinks you've already left the building and....no. What are you thinking?

You're weak. You can't see! He'll surely find you and lock you up again. Even with his comforting words and actions, you've always been scared of everyone.

But one question always made you sob just saying it to yourself.


What did I do to attract him? What did I do?


It wasn't going to be long until he found you. Are you kidding? Why'd you run away? Maybe then you wouldn't have to be locked up in the basement again. Not there.

Shuffling can be heard not far from where you were, he probably knows you're not in your room already.

You didn't mind your blindness before, just wishing you could see, that's all. But now...it's like a curse.

Something he can so easily use against you. Why didn't you notice his behaviour before?

It wasn't long before you noticed warm streaks of tears running down your cheeks. The only thing you saw though, was darkness. That's the only thing you ever saw. The only hope you can cling to now was your touch. The stuff around you.

You believed he would find you soon. But, being your situation, it couldn't hurt to try, right?

You have to run.

Get up.


Get up.


Your body refused to move. It's as if chains were holding you down to the Earth, deciding your fate for you.

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