(Request)-Platonic! Gingerbrave Cookie

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I can kinda tell that either all of us are immature and childish or my book sucks bc 50% of my comments are goofing around😭

I mean it's about stupid cookies but shhhhh I was bored and didn't expect so many people to read this STUPID BOOK

Friend Figure:

.Gingerbrave is very supportive and someone you can count on for help.

.It was no problem becoming friends with you, because of his happy and supportive aura.

.But as a yandere, it can get intense if you're reckless.

.Of course, he goes on adventures with you! He loves to!

.He'd kind of hold on to you if you're clumsy or reckless, he'd probably die from worrying if he didn't.

.Actually, he's so kind it's hard to imagine him as a yandere.

.He's very respected and loved around the kingdom, he expects the same for you.

.If it isn't, he of course won't kill or hurt anyone, just stand up for you.

.If you're saddened by it, then he yells at the cookie who caused it, saying how cruel and mean they are, how they can hurt his poor friend. Thus, publicity humiliating them.

.He allows his darling to have their own friends, as seeing them happy makes him super happy himself.

.Constant reassurance and offerings from him. Whether it's gifts or just wanting to hang out.

.Gingerbrave is truly a kind soul, who can't even imagine anyone or anything hurting his darling, his dear friend.

.In fact, he sort of happy jumps when his constant confidence boosting and platonic love is returned.

.At times like in battles, with you beside him and fighting as well, gives him a huge confidence boost.

.If you both walk away hurt, he'd try to lighten up the mood with jokes.

. "At least we did it together, right!"

Older Sibling/Parent Figure:

.Although he is a child, he's way more child-like around them.

.More clingy too. He's obviously never had a older sibling/parent before! So he's super happy you filled out that part.

.I think he would collect things and confidently run up to you to show you.

.With a sibling/parent figure, I think he would be more relying and be more open. As a child should be towards family.

.Like, he would climb into your bed at night to cuddle if he was having even the slightest bit of stress.

.He would respect you deeply, and expects it back.

.As for wanting your attention, he just sort of bothers you until it turns into you guys hanging out.

. "Hey ___!! Whatcha doing? Paperwork? Lemme see!"

.Loves you soooo much! He could stay at home and hug you all day if he could!

.As for adventures, he's a bit wary with you tagging along, but he won't stop you!

.He'll just be a worried mess. I mean, he's already lost all of his siblings! He can't let you meet the same fate!

.Of course, you'll be slightly injured. But then that's when he asks if you could go home.

. "Hey ___.... Can you go home, please! I don't want you to be more hurt! One more mission and I'll come home to you!"

.When he does come home, he's sad that he even sent you home in the first place, and apologizes profusely.

.After that, he tries to make it up to you with gifts and hugs.

.He cries at the thought of his sibling/parent hating him in the slightest bit. They're his world!

.Gingerbrave is a very harmless yandere and one of the best to have.

.His darling most likely would never know. If they find out, well, that's for another time, another reality.



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