(Request)-Purple Yam Cookie

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my dumbass forgot the "cookie" in the title😭🙁

.Very delusional. And aggressive? Like a happy aggressive towards his darling?

.He just likes...yells at his darling "YOU LOOK VERY GOOD TODAY! :D nOT THAT YOU LOOKED BAD YESTERDAY BUT-"

.Yeah he probably embarrasses himself in front of his darling a lot.

.But he can't help it! He just turns into a whole new person around them!

.That goes for the cookies his darling talks to as well.

.He is already aggressive to them, but now it's just pure hatred.

.He legit tries to fight people who are more than a acquaintance.

.Really tries to impress his darling, but with his shyness and aggression he's unable to catch their attention much.

.If you guys are friends, any sort of affection (hugs, jokes) he assumes you're in love.

.And doesn't let it go.

.You're kind of doomed if he's convinced himself you're in love with him.

.Cause now he'll do anything to keep that love alive.

.All his darling has to do is say they disapprove of someone and his hands get dirty.

.His darlings opinion is literally law to him. Not joking.

.He also really loves your approval. Like he would legit kill someone just to have a lil "you're cool"

.Is really insecure with his darling loving him back.

.He doesn't think he deserves your attention and potential love, but at the same time he does?

.He thinks he works hard enough for your love, but just you doing it he feels guilt?

.Would never hurt his darling. Wouldn't even yell at you.

.Just what asshole would hurt the person they love so much?!

.The only thing he forces onto his darling is hanging out with him only.

.He just shoves everyone away or yells at them, to spar him or something.

.As much as he feels sympathy for his friends, when his darling appeared in his life, everyone else kind of just..disappeared.

.His darling is like a goddesss to him, and that he needs nobody else's approval or attention.

.All he needs is you.

.Just you.

.Youre the only one he needs, so just be there for him.

.He does get mad if he doesn't receive this, but still tries, as he forgives his darling.

.Purple Yam can't be mad at the person he loves sooo much! That'll make you angry! Or even worse! Sad!

.He doesn't care if it takes years for your attention.

.He'll wait.

.If more than 5 years and little to no love was received from you, he kills you then himself.

.Now you guy can truly stay together.

seriously guys I started this book like 4 days ago and 1k reads already ty sm😭

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