(Request) Tiger Lily Cookie

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some of y'all are mad weird with tiger lily....
just search up "tiger lily cookie" and you're bound to get weird stuff..


.Very, very confused.

.Not only is this emotion very very new to her, she also TRUSTS you?! What?!

.Shes only known to care for herself, and to survive.

.So wanting to protect someone and love them was never on her mind.

.Sure, she knew what love was. But she never thought she'd actually experience it for herself.

.When she does fall for you though, she falls hard.

.But, even when she's so tempted to stay by your side, she stays in the distance, admiring you from afar.

.She wants to become like you, maybe even be you.

.Asks you to help her with grammar and language. She doesn't anyone else to teach her, but you.

.Tiger Lily admires you so much, liking the race in her heart when she's given attention.

.She's still aggressive when you attempt to talk to her, but there's clearly shyness in her body language.

.Would change anything if you asked her to. You offered her a room in your house? She's already there. You say she'd look nice with short hair? The next day you're greeted with a shy Tiger Lily showing you her new haircut!

.Would cherish anything. A gift? She'd die to make sure it doesn't break. You smiling at her? It's now engraved into her memory. A hug? She replays the memory every day, every hour.

.Protects you from afar, too. When you're on an adventure, she stalks you to make sure you're okay.

.If any danger came, she'd admire your skills, until she thinks it's enough and comes in to help.

.Tiger Lily says that she was wandering then heard some commotion going on, and came to check.

.Honestly? She's one of the only yanderes who doesn't need you to love them back.

.She prefers to watch from a distance anyway.

.She simply doesn't think she's worthy of having your love.

.Cherishes the feeling you made her feel, and plans one day to thank you. Even if it'd be weird to hear, it's from the bottom of Tiger Lily's heart.

.Wants to watch you become a better person as you both grow up. She doesn't mind if you're walking down the aisle to marry another person.

.She loves you, so if you're happy, so is she.

sorry if this is short but there's not much to write with a admirer yandere

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