chapter six ♡

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   That night Luo Mei is having trouble sleeping. She can't stop thinking about what she's keeping from Lu Yue. She calls out "baby boy" for him but he can't hear her because she's not being loud enough where he can.
   She gets out of bed. She wants Chocolate Chip to sleep with her. She looks around her room but she can't find him. She thinks maybe he's downstairs, so she slips on her pink slippers and goes out her room. She walks downstairs to see if she can't find Chocolate Chip there but she doesn't find him.
   Luo Mei walks back upstairs. She's thinking Lu Yue took Chocolate Chip, so she goes to his room. She knocks on the door but he doesn't answer it. So she opens the door and walks in. She sees Chocolate Chip laying next to Lu Yue.
   Luo Mei walks over to Lu Yue's bed and picks Chocolate Chip up. She sits down on the bed for a bit with her cat in her arms.
Luo Mei- Did you go off to pa's room or did he bring you in here? Huh? (she kisses the cat)
She looks over at Lu Yue sleeping.
Luo Mei- He does look handsome when he sleeps. Ugh, I wish I could tell him everything. All the reasons why I went to France.
   She lets Chocolate Chip lay on the bed. She moves closer to Lu Yue and reaches her hand out to stroke his hair.
Luo Mei- Baby boy. Baby boy?
He makes a noise and moves.
Luo Mei- Yue Yue.
Lu Yue- (he opens his eyes & sees Luo Mei looking down at him) Luo Mei, you want something. I was sleeping.
Luo Mei- I'm sorry. I just wanted my baby boy to wake up.
Lu Yue- Baby, it's okay. Come here.
   She picks up Chocolate Chip and then gets in the bed with Lu Yue. She lays her head on him. He holds her while she lays next to him.
Lu Yue- Why did you want to wake me and why are you in here?
Luo Mei- I was looking for Chocolate Chip. I couldn't resist to wake you.
Lu Yue- Am I dreaming? Are you really here?
Luo Mei- (she lifts her head) Handsome, you're not dreaming. I'm really here.
Lu Yue- I thought you didn't want me to hold you while you sleep.
Luo Mei- I never said I didn't. I mean, no one knows we're back together.
Lu Yue- Why did you want it now?
Luo Mei- I couldn't resist when I saw you.
Lu Yue- I'm irresistible.
Luo Mei- (she lays her head back on him) Uh-huh.
   She gets comfortable on him and closes her eyes. She doesn't want to leave.
Lu Yue- So are you going to go back to your room? In the morning and you're still here. What if... Luo Mei? (he kisses her on the head)
   She's fallen asleep on him. He just leaves her like she is and he too falls asleep. They stay like that all the way until the morning.
   Luckly no one has been wondering about Lu Yue and Luo Mei. They're still in each other's arms. The cat moves and it wakes Luo Mei.
Luo Mei- (she can feel she's still in Lu Yue's arms) Baby boy.
Lu Yue- Don't call me that just to tease me.
Luo Mei- I wouldn't dare.
Lu Yue- You stayed last night.
Luo Mei- Sorry. I was so comfortable on you I fell asleep.
Lu Yue- There's no need to say sorry.
Luo Mei- You didn't move me.
Lu Yue- I didn't want to.
Luo Mei- (she sits up and looks at him) How am I going to go back in my room?
Lu Yue- (he sits up and leans into her) You could stay.
Luo Mei- (she pushes him) Baby boy.
Lu Yue- What do you want?
Luo Mei- (she says under breath) You.
She gets up and walks towards the door.
Lu Yue- What did you say?
Luo Mei- I'm leaving.
   He walks to her and pushes her up against the wall. Her eyes go kind of wide.
Lu Yue- What did you say you wanted?
Luo Mei- Pervert. (she moves away from him)
He keeps walking to her and walks back.
Lu Yue- Tell me what you said.
Luo Mei- Don't be a pervert.
   He walks more up to her and they end up falling on the bed.
Lu Yue- Tell me or I'm not moving.
Luo Mei- Do you even realize what I'm doing? I'm teasing you about not telling you. I can't take the way you're acting.
   They go silence for a moment and he goes to kiss her but she stops him by putting her hand on his mouth. He gives her a mad look.
Luo Mei- We shouldn't. Not now. Please don't be mad at me. (she moves her hand) Don't scold me, please.
Lu Yue- Why not now?
Luo Mei- No one knows I'm in here. If someone walks in... I'm sorry.
Lu Yue- Stop saying sorry. As much as I want to. I honestly don't want to get caught. Lu SiCheng scold me the first me got caught like this.
Luo Mei- Don't forget about my brother. He's scold you a couple times about me.
Lu Yue- He didn't know we were together, right?
Luo Mei- Ah-huh. He knew I had feelings for you.
Lu Yue- He knew I had feelings for you as well.
Luo Mei- That's right. He wouldn't let me be with you.
Lu Yue- That's kind of why we had to be a secret.
Luo Mei- Mhmm.
   In that moment Lu Yue's phone starts to ring. He turns his head. She puts her hands on his cheeks and pulls his head back to look at her.
Luo Mei- Baby boy.
Lu Yue- You don't want me to answer it.
Luo Mei- I don't want you to move.
His phone rings some more and then it stops.
Lu Yue- Okay. It's not ringing anymore.
Luo Mei- You're being handsome right now.
Lu Yue- Why did you say right now?
Luo Mei- (she laughs) I'm teasing you, cutie.
Lu Yue- I'm always handsome. (he smirks)
Luo Mei- Uh-huh.
   She kisses near where his dimple is. He can feel a little of her lips on his. She basically kissed side of his lips.
Lu Yue- Why did you kiss my face like that?
   Before Luo Mei can say anything Lu Yue's phone starts ringing again.
Luo Mei- Who's trying to call you?
Lu Yue- I don't know and I don't care. I just want to stay on you. Can you kiss my face like that again?
They let the phone ring and then it stops.
Luo Mei- I could.
Lu Yue- Please, baby girl.
Luo Mei- I miss when you want something you call me that.
Lu Yue- I missed how you call me "baby boy" when you want something.
Luo Mei- We cute?
Lu Yue- Yes, we are.
She kisses his face the way she did before.
Lu Yue- Beautiful.
His phone rings again but they ignore it.
Luo Mei- You're beautiful.
Lu Yue- But not more beautiful than you.
Luo Mei- Cutie. You don't think you're beautiful than me?
Lu Yue- I could never, because you're beautiful as much as I am.
Luo Mei- You're so cute.
Lu Yue- You're cuter.
Luo Mei- Where's my cocky boy?
Lu Yue- I'm here. I'm just looking at a really beautiful girl it's hard not to say things like that.
Luo Mei- Awww, I love this side of you.
Lu Yue- But I am cute.
Luo Mei- I have good taste.
Lu Yue- 𝘐 have good taste.
Luo Mei- I can't take this. You're too much.
   Before Lu Yue can say anything his phone starts ringing for the fourth time.
Luo Mei- Ugh, that's starting to get annoying.
He starts to get off her but she stops him.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue.
Lu Yue- It will just keep on ringing if I don't answer it.
Luo Mei- Okay.
   He gets off her and sits on his bed. He looks at his phone. He looks at the caller ID and it says "Madame Lu".
Luo Mei- (she moves over where he is) Who is it?
Lu Yue- (he answers his phone & looks at Luo Mei while he talks on the phone) Hello, ma.
Mrs. Lu- I've been calling. Why didn't you answer?
Lu Yue- My phone was off.
Mrs. Lu- Why didn't you tell me Luo Mei is back?
Lu Yue- I don't know. Was I supposed to.
Mrs. Lu- I have been seeing the things the fans are saying about you and Luo Mei online.
Lu Yue- I don't care what they're saying.
Mrs. Lu- Bring her down to my office.
Lu Yue- Ma, that's not necessary.
Mrs. Lu- I am your mother and you'll do as I say.
Lu Yue- Okay.
He hangs up after that.
Luo Mei- What did Auntie say?
Lu Yue- She insisted that I bring you down to her office. Also I guess I was supposed to tell her that your back.
Luo Mei- She said that?
Lu Yue- Basically.
Luo Mei- I'm going to have to leave your room. If we're going.
Lu Yue- We have to. Who knows what she'll do.
Luo Mei- Set you up on a blind date.
Lu Yue- She did that before but I refused.
Luo Mei- You don't need a blind date. You have me.
Lu Yue- That's right.
Luo Mei- Did she say when?
Lu Yue- We should probably go now.
   She gets up and walks towards the door. He stops her by wrapping his arms around her.
Luo Mei- (puts her hands on his arms) Lu Yue, are you going to keep me from getting ready.
Lu Yue- Can you get dressed in here? (he says in her ear)
Luo Mei- I would have to come back in here. I don't know how it's going to be walking out of here.
Lu Yue- Are you?
Luo Mei- (she pulls away from him) What makes you think I'll get dressed in front of you?
Lu Yue- I don't know. I shouldn't be a pervert.
Luo Mei- I'm leaving first.
Lu Yue- I said that because it's been way too long since we've had this time together.
Luo Mei- (she turns around) You're being clingy.
Lu Yue- Yes, but it's true.
Luo Mei- You think our time together is going to end soon? (she walks up to him & puts her hands on his cheeks) Baby, I told you I'm not going anywhere this time. You're stuck with me.
Lu Yue- But we're all over social media.
Luo Mei- My father doesn't even look at that stuff.
   He immediately brings her in his arms. She hugs him back by wrapping her arms around his waist.
Lu Yue- I just can't lose you again.
Luo Mei- I don't want you to lose me. I can't lose you again either. I refuse to go through that again.
He holds her tight.
Luo Mei- Okay, I should go. Meet me downstairs.
Lu Yue- Okay. Wait, don't leave yet.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue.
Lu Yue- I'm letting you out. I just want to make sure it's clear for you to walk out.
Luo Mei- Okay.
He does that and the cat walks out. He turns around.
Luo- Mei- (talks low) How is it? Yue Yue, is it clear?
He makes a pouty face.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, come on. Don't make that face.
Lu Yue- Baby girl, I don't want us to stop being cute.
Luo Mei- Okay, we won't meet downstairs. I'll try and come back in here when I'm dressed.
   He walks closer to her and puts his forehead against hers. He holds onto her arms.
Lu Yue- Promise.
   She sets her hands on his cheeks and pushes his head back a little, so they can look at each other.
Luo Mei- I'll come back. I promise. I've missed this side of you so much. (she kind of bites her lower lip)
Lu Yue- You bite your lip because of me.
Luo Mei- (she lets go of his cheeks) It's hot in here. I'm leaving.
She walks passed him.
Lu Yue- What? Did you just call me hot?
Luo Mei- Maybe. (she smirks)
Lu Yue- Come back.
Luo Mei- (she walks out) I'm gone.

𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now