chapter twentyfive ♡

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It's the next morning. Luo Mei wakes up first. Lu Yue is still sleeping on her shoulder and Chocolate Chip is still laying next to her.
   It's makes Luo Mei happy that Lu Yue stayed the whole night. Her phone soon starts to ring. She looks to see if it woke Lu Yue but he's still sound asleep on her. She grabs her phone and answers it. It's Yang Lian.
Yang Lian- 你好,姐姐. Did I wake you? (Hello, sister. <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- No. But you could of woke Lu Yue.
Yang Lian- What? Is he sleeping on you?
Luo Mei- Yes. (she moves the phone so Yang Lian can see them both) See.
Yang Lian- So he came back to you?
Luo Mei- Yes.
They don't know it but he's a wake but his eyes are closed and he has a big smile on his face.
Yang Lian- I knew it. Lu Yue is crazy about you. That never changed. I may not know him as well as you do but I know him enough to know that he'll eventually come back to you.
Luo Mei- He really did come back to me.
Yang Lian- You told me he said to you that you brought him back before he pushed away too far.
Luo Mei- He's been more handsome. If that's even possible? He even started to tease me again.
Yang Lian- I swear there's a lot of things you guys do.
Luo Mei- Teasing each other is our thing.
Yang Lian- And calling each other baby girl or baby boy when you want something.
Luo Mei- Don't forget about touching each other's hair. I really love stroking his side-burns.
Yang Lian- I thought you were going to say touching each other.
Luo Mei- I love his touch. I wanted it so much when my ribs were cracked. He wouldn't give it to me. (she makes a pouty face)
She feels Lu Yue's hand slide under her shirt. He sets it on her waist.
Luo Mei- Ahhhh!
Yang Lian- What's wrong?
Luo Mei- Handsome... He...
Yang Lian- He what?
Lu Yue- Baby, I've been a wake this whole time. I was just so comfortable I didn't want to move.
Luo Mei- (she puts her hand on his) Don't move your hand.
Lu Yue- I wasn't going to. I heard you say you love my touch so I put my hand there.
Luo Mei- (talks to Yang Lian) Sister, I have the cutest kitty ever!
Yang Lian- You're talking about Lu Yue.
Luo Mei- Yes. I've told you why I call him that.
Yang Lian- Because he's as cute as a kitty.
Luo Mei- Yes. He really is.
Lu Yue- Yang Lian, thanks for the compliment.
Yang Lian- I wasn't. It's Luo Mei's job to compliment and praise you like she does. She's always adored you.
Luo Mei- I do.
Lu Yue- She knows I'm a catch.
Luo Mei- Ughh. I really want to kiss handsome.
Lu Yue- (he lifts his head & then goes in her face) Then kiss me.
Luo Mei- How can I resist that cute face?
She sets her right hand on his cheek and goes to kiss him. She drops her phone on the bed and gets really into the kissing. They both do. Luo Mei sets her other hand on Lu Yue's right cheek.
Yang Lian- Hey! You're still on the phone with me. If you forgotten.
Luo Mei goes on top of Lu Yue while they're kissing. Lu Yue sets her hair back and keeps his hand there.
Yang Lian- 你好? 你好? (Hello? Hello? <chinese translation to english)
Then Lu Yue goes on top of her. When they're lips pull away he makes a face. It makes Luo Mei lose it. She has her phone in her hand again.
this is basically the face Lu Yue is making at Luo Mei:

 -this is basically the face Lu Yue is making at Luo Mei:

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Luo Mei- Ahhhhhhhhhh!
Yang Lian- What is it? What's wrong?
Luo Mei- The way Yue Yue is looking at me.
Yang Lian- What?
Luo Mei- (she switches the camera on Lu Yue) See.
Yang Lian- I see. What's that face for?
Luo Mei- (she switches the camera back on her) 我. (Lu Yue shakes his head yes at her) It's so hot. I want to kiss handsome again. (they're looking at each other) (Me. <chinese translation to english)
Lu Yue when he shaked his head at Luo Mei:

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