chapter nineteen ♡

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   It's been the right amount of days for Luo Mei's ribs to heal. Lu SiCheng has taken her to the hospital because the doctor wants to see her. Lu Yue won't go with so God Ming comes along because Lu SiCheng won't go inside the hospital.
   They also have a game match coming up soon and it will be Luo Mei's first time attending one. They're be playing against team FNC this time. Luo Mei is now in the hospital with God Ming. They're waiting for the doctor. Soon the doctor comes in.
Doctor- Luo Mei, how are you feeling?
Luo Mei- I'm in less pain despite my leg.
Doctor- That's because you've been walking on your leg and that's why your ribs healed before your leg. You need to stop walking on it so it can heal. Have you been using your crutches?
Luo Mei- No. (she says low) Not as much as I should.
Doctor- Well, make sure you start using them more. Or else your leg won't heal.
God Ming- Is that all?
Doctor- Yes. Are you her brother or something?
God Ming- I'm like a brother to her.
Doctor- Luo Mei, why didn't your boyfriend come down with you?
Luo Mei- Huh? I don't...
Doctor- Then who was that that wouldn't leave your side when you first got here? He clearly seems like a boyfriend. Did something happen?
Luo Mei- He won't come near me because I'm in pain.
Doctor- Oh. Well, your ribs are better now. Make sure you don't walk on your leg. Use your crutches.
Luo Mei- Yes, doctor.
   They soon leave. Luo Mei walks on her crutches to the elevator.
God Ming- Does Lu Yue know?
Luo Mei- I never got the change to tell him.
God Ming- Has he been talking to you?
Luo Mei- Not that much.
God Ming- Well, you're not in so much pain anymore. He should come back to you.
Luo Mei- It's scaring me how he's acting.
God Ming- You bring out so many sides of him.
   They soon come back to the base. Luo Mei walks inside on her crutches. God Ming helps her take off her shoes and puts on her slippers.
Luo Mei- Thank you.
God Ming- You're welcome.
   Lu Yue is sitting in Tong Yao's chair gaming and he heard them. He has his leg up and his hand on his mouth. Luo Mei walks on her crutches up to him.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, did you know that my ribs are healed. But not my leg because I walked on it and didn't use my crutches.
God Ming- Lu Yue, are you going to say something to her?
Luo Mei- When you do this it's so cute. It's kind of like a brother thing.
Lu Yue- Does your leg hurt?
Luo Mei- Yes, but not as much as my ribs did.
Lu Yue- You're not fully healed?
Luo Mei- No.
Lu Yue- I still can't be around you. I'll call you later.
He gets up and walks off.
Luo Mei- What?
Old K- (he's gaming at his chair & looks to Luo Mei) Luo Mei, are you and Lu Yue okay?
Luo Mei- No. I can't even have my best friend at a time like this.
Old Cat- Huh?
Old K- (looks to Old Cat) You know Lu Yue has been keeping his distance from her.
Old Cat- Oh, yeah.
Old K- (looks back to Luo Mei) He'll come around.
Luo Mei- I feel everyone is saying that but he hasn't. He's even been refusing my... (she stops herself or else she'll expose them)
Old Cat- Refusing your what?
Luo Mei- It's nothing.
   She turns to look at God Ming and gives him the look that she wants Lu Yue.
God Ming- I know. Wait for him. You should go and get some rest.
Luo Mei- Okay.
God Ming- (looks to where Lu Yue is & calls for him) Lu Yue?
Lu Yue- What?
Luo Mei- God Ming, what are you doing? Don't force him.
God Ming- I'm not. I'm telling him to bring you up to your room. He can at least do that. Lu Yue.
Lu Yue- Fine. I'll do it.
   It startles her when he comes over and wraps one of his right arm around her waist, his other arm around her legs, and lifts her up. Her crutches fall.
Luo Mei- (she wraps her arms around his neck & whispers to him) Handsome.
Lu Yue- I know.
   She smiles at him and he carries her up to her room. God Ming follows.
Luo Mei- Wait!
Lu Yue- What is it?
Luo Mei- You didn't resist. It doesn't look cute on you.
   He brings her inside her room and lays her on the bed. He tries to walk off but she yells at him and it makes him stop.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?! You said you couldn't take it if I didn't talk to you anymore until I'm healed. You're doing that. You're barely talking to me. Where did my Yue Yue go?!
He walks out after that. God Ming grabs onto him.
God Ming- Lu Yue, what is wrong with you?! Go back.
Lu Yue- I can't.
   He pulls away and walks to his room. Once he's in he holds onto his dresser but ends up falling and tears start to come down his cheeks, he's eyes are red, and he's shaking.
   A while later Luo Mei wakes up from resting. Lu Yue hasn't even called her so she calls him. He answers once she calls.
Luo Mei- I can't take it anymore. My Yue Yue might be gone and it's scaring me. He refuses my teasing. Baby, please. Do you really want to put me in tears again? Who cares if I'm not fully healed. I want you. I thought you would come back to me when my ribs healed but you didn't. Don't you dare leave me. You said you weren't breaking up with me so don't make it seem like that.
Lu Yue- Being around you I could risk delaying your leg from being healed.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, stop this! I hate this talk so much!
Lu Yue- I can't. If I put pressure on your leg...
Luo Mei- Ughh! I'm hanging up. This is pointless. Stay away from me. See if I care.
She hangs up on him.

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