chapter twentyseven ♡

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   Meanwhile, Lu Yue found the perfect ring for Luo Mei. He knows she'll flip when she sees it. They have already wrapped it up for him and he has paid for it. Him and God Ming are on they're way back. They have just arrived at the mansion. They're just outside and Luo Mei doesn't know it.
Lu Yue- God Ming, before we go in. Can you do something for me?
God Ming- Of course. What is it?
Lu Yue- I can't hold onto the ring. She doesn't snoop but it's possible she'll come across it. If she sees it she'll definitely know its for her. And I don't want her to see it. Not yet.
God Ming- Okay. Are you asking me to hold on to it until you'll need it?
Lu Yue- Yes.
God Ming- Okay. I can do that.
Lu Yue- Thank you so much.
God Ming- You're welcome.
   Lu Yue gives God Ming the ring. He takes it and Lu Yue walks in first. He changes into his slippers. He then walks in more inside.
Luo Mei- Hmm, you're in trouble. You took too long.
Lu Yue- (he goes up to her) I did not.
Luo Mei- Yes, you did.
Lu Yue- (looks at Old K, Old Cat, & Xiao Pang) Did I take long?
Xiao Pang- Yes. We're mad at you.
Lu Yue- (looks down at Luo Mei with a mean look) You're mad at me?
Luo Mei- Yes.
Lu Yue- Fine, then. Forget you. (looks at everyone) Forget you all. Be mad at me. I don't care. (he walks off up to Luo Mei's room)
Luo Mei- What? I didn't know he would react like that. (she tries to get up) I'll go to him.
Old K- You shouldn't walk on your leg. I'll take you.
Luo Mei- No. Please, I want to be able to go to him on my own.
Old K- Okay.
   She tries to make it to the stairs, holds on the railing, and walks up them. She sees her door is open. She tries to make it there and closes the door behind her once she's in her room.
   She sees Lu Yue sitting on her bed. She then tries to make it to him. She bends her right leg and sets it on Lu Yue. Doing that lifts her left leg up a bit.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue. We weren't really mad at you. Why did you react like that?
Lu Yue- (he looks up at her) I thought you were serious.
Luo Mei- You're not angry with me, are you?
Lu Yue- What? There's no way I can be angry with you.
Luo Mei- But what you said to me.
Lu Yue- I take it back.
Luo Mei- I think I kind of like it when handsome is bad.
Lu Yue- You repeated what you said.
Luo Mei- I know that's what you wanted me to repeat.
Lu Yue- Is handsome in trouble?
Luo Mei- How could you be? You didn't do anything wrong.
Lu Yue- (he undones her skirt, pulls it down a little, puts his hand under her shirt, & starts to touch all around her waist & stomach) How about this?
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, that's... You wouldn't be in trouble for this. See you do give me what I want.
Lu Yue- I'll try and give you what you want from now on. (he moves his hand)
Luo Mei- Stop, you already do.
He won't fix her clothes back.
Luo Mei- Aren't you going to put my clothes back to how they were?
Lu Yue- No.
Luo Mei- 什么? Say that again. (What? <chinese translation to english)
Lu Yue- No.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?!
Lu Yue- I won't do it.
Luo Mei- Ughhh. I'm going to get you.
Lu Yue- Go for it.
She moves closer to him and they fall on the bed.
Luo Mei- Ughh. I should pinch your ear.
Lu Yue- Don't you dare.
Luo Mei- I don't even pinch you that hard when I do. Dramatic.
Lu Yue- Your voice sounds like you're mad at me.
Luo Mei- Do you want me to be?
Lu Yue- No. Please don't be. I was only teasing you.
Luo Mei- You really are way too irresistible.
Lu Yue- Baby girl, I want you. If you're going to kiss me. Handsome's waiting.
Luo Mei- Hmm.
   She thinks about it and goes straight to kiss him on the lips. He moves on top of her while they're kissing. Then she pulls away from his lips. She touches her lips and smiles with him looking at her.
Lu Yue- You look so cute you do that.
Luo Mei- You need to do that more and tease me more.
Lu Yue- I just came back to you. Give it time. I will.
Luo Mei- Oh, bite me.
Lu Yue- 什么? (What? <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- I want that Yue Yue now.
Lu Yue- I could bite you.
Luo Mei- (she laughs) You know what I meant by that.
Lu Yue- I know. I could bite you though.
Luo Mei- If you do. I'll bite you first.
Lu Yue- I'd like to see it.
Luo Mei- I'll do it.
Lu Yue- So, what happened while I was gone?
Luo Mei- I interacted with everyone like you wanted me to.
Lu Yue- I only told God Ming I wanted you to do that.
Luo Mei- (she laughs) I just figured that's what you wanted me to do.
Lu Yue- You're cute.
Luo Mei- You're cuter.
Lu Yue- We're both cute.
Luo Mei- Hmm. (she shakes her head) Lu Yue, I kind of made up a story.
Lu Yue- A story about what?
Luo Mei- 你. (You. <chinese translation to english)
Lu Yue- Tell me everything. That happened when I was gone.
Luo Mei- After you and God Ming left Old K asked me if everything was okay with you and I.
Lu Yue- (he goes to kiss her under her left eye) What did you say?
Luo Mei- I told him yeah, and why are you so concerned about us? Are you hoping we're get back together?
Lu Yue- (he looks up at her) What did he say?
Luo Mei- Gorgeous. Hmm. He said, "I... I mean I guess. Yeah. We all accept you. You make Lu Yue happy. ---
Lu Yue- That's true. (he smiled at her)
Luo Mei- Let me finish.
Lu Yue- 好的. (Okay. <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- "If it's possible? He's been more of himself since you've been here. We want him to be with someone that makes him happy and you do."
Lu Yue- Thats all he said?
Luo Mei- Yeah.
Lu Yue- What's the story you told?
Luo Mei- I'm getting there.
Lu Yue- 好的, beautiful. (Okay... <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- He asked me if you know I want to be with you. (she laughs) I told him I think you just want to be friends.
Lu Yue- That is so not true. Bad girl.
Luo Mei- (she smiles at him) He then was like than what was that at the match? I kind of made up what I said to him.
Lu Yue- What did you say?
Luo Mei- "I don't know. He's always been like that. He doesn't like when other guys want to be friends with me."
Lu Yue- I mean that's kind of true. I 𝘸𝘢𝘴 your only guy friend growing up.
Luo Mei- He said you want to be my only guy friend? I said yeah. And he asked "what about us?"
Lu Yue- Please. I want to know more, baby girl.
Luo Mei- (she smiles at him) I told him "you guys don't count. You're more like brothers to me." He said, "oh, I see."
Lu Yue- More.
Luo Mei- You like the sound of my voice too.
Lu Yue- Yes. But, baby girl, I want to know more.
Luo Mei- Okay. (she gets a little shy) I asked him do you think Lu Yue looks really handsome today?
Lu Yue- You praising me while I'm gone? (by saying that he was basically answering that he does look really handsome today & she knows it) It's so cute.
Luo Mei- I wasn't even finished. Stop being so cocky.
Lu Yue- Never.
Luo Mei- You better not stop.
Lu Yue- I'm handsome and you know it.
Luo Mei- (she smiles) Cutie, I thought you wanted me to tell you everything? Oh, cutie was me agreeing with you.
Lu Yue- Yes. I want you to, beautiful.
Luo Mei- I said sorry and I don't know why I said that.
Lu Yue- I do look really handsome today. But why did you said "today"? Don't I always look handsome?
Luo Mei- Ughhhh, yes. I take it back. Maybe cocky Yue Yue is the cutest. Wait. But I can't take it back. Ughh, both are so cute.
Lu Yue- You're talking about happy Yue Yue.
Luo Mei- Yes. You're being both and it's making me not to be able to decide.
Lu Yue- How is it making you feel?
Luo Mei- It's driving me crazy. But I thought you wanted me to continue?
Lu Yue- I do.
Luo Mei- He told me that it was okay that I asked that and "we know you still have feelings for him. And you can still think that all." I don't think that I know it to be true. My Yue Yue is very handsome.
Lu Yue- That's right. Tell me more, baby girl.
She's starting to lose it, the way he's talking to her.
Luo Mei- I asked him if he thinks you still have feelings for me. He responded with---
Lu Yue- I want to know.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?! I should push you off me for cutting me off.
Lu Yue- Don't you dare. I'm not moving.
Luo Mei- Ughhhh, I can't take it. I love it when you do that. I want you.
Lu Yue- I'm already here. But I want you more.
Luo Mei- I want to continue telling you everything but I want to kiss you more.
Lu Yue- Close your eyes while you tell me. Maybe that will work. I'm tempting you too much.
Luo Mei- Okay. (she closes her eyes) Old K asked me if you told me where you and God Ming went. I told him no.
Lu Yue- You're okay with that?
Luo Mei- Yes. I can wait. I've already let you wait. It's my turn.
Lu Yue- I love how you're like this.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, would you like it if someone called me "Mei Mei"?
Lu Yue- What? Who called you that?
Luo Mei- Old Cat. You're not going to get mad at him for saying that?
Lu Yue- No. It's just only I can call you that. Just like you can only call me "Yue Yue".
Luo Mei- Its so cute when you call me "Mei Mei".
Lu Yue- It's so cute when you call me "Yue Yue". Is there more?
Luo Mei- Yes, handsome.
Lu Yue- Tell me, beautiful.
Luo Mei- Old Cat thinks you have a surprise for me.
Lu Yue- I don't know. Do I? (he goes to kiss her behind her ear)
Luo Mei- That's when he called me "Mei Mei". He asked do you think you have a surprise for me. I only said, "what" because I didn't really like that he called me that. You've only called me that. It felt weird. You know what Old K said to him?
Lu Yue- What? Tell me, beautiful.
Luo Mei- "I think Lu Yue is only allowed to call her that."
Lu Yue- Yes.
Luo Mei- I told them that that's true. Just like I can only call you "Yue Yue". He might get mad if he knew you said that." Old Cat said, "sorry, Luo Mei. Please, don't tell him I called you that. (she laughs) I told him I don't know I can do that. (she laughs again) They have no idea that we tell each other everything.
Lu Yue- You know it's always been hard for us to keep things from each other.
Luo Mei- Yes, I know. After I said that Old Cat asked, "why not?" I didn't say anything to it and changed the subject.
Lu Yue- You just did that now.
Luo Mei- Because I don't want what you can't tell me to bother you right now.
Lu Yue- It does bother me but you get my mind off it.
Luo Mei- Than can handsome sleep next to me tonight? I don't want you to think about it too much and end up crying yourself to sleep.
Lu Yue- Who's to say I'm going to cry myself to sleep?
Luo Mei- Baby, you have. You told me you did when you were being cold to me when I first came back. And when you were pushing me away.
Lu Yue- You want to be able to hold me if I do.
Luo Mei- (she goes to stroke his left side-burn) I will if you do.
Lu Yue- I want to sleep next to you tonight.
Luo Mei- I want you to too.
Lu Yue- Than I will. Can you tell me more, baby girl?
Luo Mei- Hmm. I told them when you come back I want to mess with you. Do you think we could make him think we're mad at him? They asked me why but I didn't really want them to know.
Lu Yue- Would you get embarrassed?
Luo Mei- Maybe. They were okay with not knowing.
Lu Yue- You wanted to get me rattled up.
Luo Mei- Yes.
Lu Yue- I'm sorry I reacted like that.
Luo Mei- (she strokes his hair to the right side) No. You took it back. You don't need to apologize for it.
He goes to kiss her on the forehead.
Luo Mei- Handsome, I wasn't finished telling you everything.
Lu Yue- (he looks at her) Tell me.
Luo Mei- I wanted Pang to join in on messing with you. I tried to go tell him but Old K stopped me. He didn't think you would want me to be walking on my leg. I told him he was right and he said, "you don't want him to scold you, do you?" I was thinking about it and the he said, "you don't, right? Unless you want him to?" I told him I didn't say that.
Lu Yue- I know why you hesitated to answer.
Luo Mei- Why?
Lu Yue- Because you know me. I wouldn't scold you. I would just do something else.
Luo Mei- Hmm, can you do it now.
Lu Yue- Is that all?
Luo Mei- No. After that I got to play a game round with Old Cat.
Lu Yue- You did?
Luo Mei- Yeah. I won it but after that all I wanted was you.
Lu Yue- You just waited for me after that?
Luo Mei- Yeah. It was starting to feel like you were taking long.
Lu Yue- Did I really take long?
Luo Mei- No.
Lu Yue- Well, I'm here now.
Luo Mei- Yes and I want you. (she grabs onto his shirt & pulls him more to her so their lips can touch)
   They get into the kissing and then once they've showered each other with kisses, Luo Mei bites Lu Yue's lip to get him to stop kissing her. She wants to do a dual to see who's better. Mid-laners or Junglers.
Lu Yue- (he touches his lip) Ow. Why did you bite me?
Luo Mei- I was getting you to stop kissing me.
Lu Yue- You beat me to it. You bit me first. You want something. I can tell.
Luo Mei- Yes. I want to do another dual.
Lu Yue- It's been so long since we done one.
Luo Mei- Jungers are better. (she pushes him off her)
Lu Yue- Uhh.
   She slips off the bed and tries to walk towards the door. She stops because she feels Lu Yue's arms around her.
Lu Yue- Mid-laners are better. We are going to have that dual and I'm going to win.
Luo Mei- No, I'm going to win.
Lu Yue- (he pulls his arms away & tries to fix her shirt in her skirt) Also did you forget?
Luo Mei- (she moves his hands away) Lu Yue?! I can do it. Don't be a pervert.
   She fixes her shirt and then pulls up her skirt. She buttons it and zips up the zipper. She goes to pull out her shirt a little but he stops her. She tries to turn around to look up at him.
Lu Yue- Hold on to me. I'll do it.
Luo Mei- Okay. But if I fall I know you'll catch me. It's so cute when you worry about me. (she holds onto him & he pulls her shirt out a little)
Lu Yue- Wait. (he looked at her hair)
Luo Mei- What?
Lu Yue- Your hair. It got a little tangley.
Luo Mei- Is handsome going to fix it?
Lu Yue- I really don't want to let go of you.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, it's okay. Will you take long to get my brush?
Lu Yue- No.
Luo Mei- Than go get it and come back to me.
   He does that and comes back to her. He holds on her hair while he brushes it so it wouldn't hurt her. Then he sets it down when he's done.
Luo Mei- (she holds onto him tight) Thank you, handsome.
Lu Yue- You're welcome, wifey.
Luo Mei- I want you.
Lu Yue- I want you more.
   She turns around and tries to make it out her room. She goes to hold onto the railing that's connected to the stairs. She feels Lu Yue behind her and sees his hands on either side of hers.
Lu Yue- (he whispers in her ear) You're not using your crutches. You want me to carry you everywhere?
Luo Mei- (she talks low to him) Lu Yue, they'll see us. As much as I want this. I'm not ready for them to know yet.
Lu Yue- (he talks in her ear) I still want you. Maybe if you didn't come to me. I would of forgotten how much irresistible you've been.
Luo Mei- Don't you dare say anymore. You'll make 𝘮𝘦 lose control.
   She slips away from him, holds onto the railing, and walks downstairs.

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