chapter thirtyfour ♡

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   Lu Yue can feel Luo Mei is crying while he's kissing her. He pulls away from her lips and looks at her. He sees tears falling down her cheeks.
Lu Yue- No, no. Baby, what's wrong?
Luo Mei- You. I'm worried about you. I know you weren't lying to me about pulling away and I know you were attending to keep your promise. I know you're not attending to break it but the way you were acting yesterday. I'm not worried about you because your lying to me or breaking your promise but... because the way you were acting yesterday. You were there with me but it felt like you weren't. I really feel like you 𝘢𝘳𝘦 pulling away.
Lu Yue- That's what's worrying you?
Luo Mei- Yes.
Lu Yue- I don't want to make you feel I'm pulling away. Is this why you won't listen to me?
Luo Mei- Yes.
Lu Yue- (he's eyes start to go red & get watery) I'm so stupid. I should be able to give you my full attention despite the fact that I let you take the lead.
Luo Mei- (she touches his cheek) No, you're not stupid. You were doing okay before my accident.
Lu Yue- Why did that accident have to happen?! Who ever caused that accident, it's their fault---
Luo Mei- That our relationship has kind of been on a rollercoaster since then.
Lu Yue- Yes. That's right.
Luo Mei- Tong Yao said that but she said "our friendship."
Lu Yue- Did she say anything else to you? You never told me everything when you and Tong Yao went to meet up with Yang Lian and Chen JinYang.
Luo Mei- I wanted to but I felt like I didn't get a change to.
Lu Yue- You can still tell me.
Luo Mei- I know. Lu Yue, if you wanted to play a game why didn't you wake me? I like watching you game.
Lu Yue- I didn't want to wake you.
Luo Mei- Why not? Wake me. I won't get mad. It's you.
Lu Yue- Next time?
Luo Mei- Yes. You better. And I want you to prove it to me. I want you to prove it to me that you're not pulling away. Be with me all day and if you want to game bring me with you. If you don't I'll tell your brother on you.
Lu Yue- Don't you dare?
Luo Mei- I will. (she kicks him with her right knee & he goes back)
She starts to walk away from him.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei?! Get back here.
She walks where everyone could see them. He follows her.
Luo Mei- Brother!
   Lu Yue comes up behind her, puts his right hand on her mouth but she bites him, and it makes him move his hand. She didn't bite him that hard but he acts like she did.
Lu Yue- Ow! (he holds his hand) Luo Mei?! Why did you bite me?
Luo Mei- (she giggles & calls for Lu SiCheng again) Broth---
   Lu Yue instantly goes to wrap his right arm around her legs, wraps his other arm around her waist, and lifts her up in his arms. By doing this it stops Luo Mei from calling for Lu SiCheng.
Luo Mei- (she wraps her arms around his neck & looks at him) Lu Yue, what are you doing?
Lu Yue- I don't want my brother to scold you. Or me. If he sees you in my shirt. Who knows what he'll think. I'm taking you back upstairs.
Luo Mei- But...
Lu Yue- That's what I'm doing. (he starts to walk towards the stairs with her in his arms) I'm going to give you all of me until you don't know what it's like not having all of me.
Luo Mei- Oooh. Do I get handsome kisses?
Lu Yue- Ughh, you're so adorable. Yes.
    He walks upstairs to her room. He lays her on the bed. He goes to close the door. When he comes back to her, he goes on top of her, and just starts kissing her on the lips. She's smiling and she holds his face while he kisses her.
   She goes to kiss him back and his phone starts to ring but they ignore it. They make out more and it starts to ring again.
Lu Yue- (he pulls away) Ughhh.
Luo Mei- (she's still holding his face) Lu Yue, don't stop kissing me.
   He lowers his head down to where their lips touch and he kisses her more. After that his phone starts to ring again but they ignore it and just kiss.
   His phone rings for the fifth time. It annoys Lu Yue so he pulls away, takes it out, and answers it. He puts it on speaker so Luo Mei can listen in. She watches him.
Lu Yue- Hello.
God Ming- Why did I have to call you five times?
Lu Yue- (he looks at Luo Mei) Because... I was busy. (he says low) I wish I still was. (he winks at her & she smiles)
God Ming- Where are you? We want to talk to you.
Lu Yue- We?
God Ming- Your brother, Brother Rui, and I.
Lu Yue- Oh. Do I have to?
God Ming- Yes. Where are you?
Lu Yue- Why?
God Ming- If you're with Luo Mei I won't tell them.
Lu Yue- They can't hear you, can they?!
God Ming- No. Don't worry. I walked off when I started talking to you. YueMei, you're secret will always be safe with me.
Lu Yue- It better be. How do you know I'm with her?
God Ming- You better be. She basically came to me in tears last night because she was worried about you.
Lu Yue- (talks to Luo Mei) You did?
Luo Mei- I had to talk to someone about it. All I was thinking about was talking to God Ming about it.
Lu Yue- (he's eyes start to go red & get watery) I want to take it all back.
Luo Mei- (she puts her hand on his cheek) Yue Yue, please don't cry. You can take it all back.
Lu Yue- I take it back. (tears start to fall & she catches them)
Luo Mei- It's okay.
Lu Yue- I'm so sorry.
Luo Mei- No. Stop that nonsense. Who understands you better than anyone?
Lu Yue- You. (his eyes start to go less red)
Luo Mei- That's right. Now, there's no reason to cry.
Lu Yue- I love you so much. You're too good to me.
Luo Mei- I love 𝘺𝘰𝘶. I know you better than anyone so there's no way I'll ever look away from you.
Lu Yue- Was God Ming the one that persuaded you to get my attention?
Luo Mei- Yeah. Basically. I didn't know what to do. I thought maybe God Ming would.
Lu Yue- (he kind of drops his phone & goes to whisper in her ear) I love how you got my attention. You look so adorable in my shirt.
God Ming- Lu Yue?!
Luo Mei- (Lu Yue looks back at her & she whispers to him) So, you don't want me to take it off? I could.
Lu Yue- (he puts God Ming off speaker) No. Why do you keep insist on thinking that I want you to take it off?
Luo Mei- I know it gets you're attention. Besides, what I have on underneath isn't something you haven't seen.
Lu Yue- Why are you being such a bad girl right now?
Luo Mei- Who says I'm being a bad girl? I wouldn't dare.
Lu Yue- You want to make sure you have my full attention.
Luo Mei- Yes. And you're mine. I'll act how ever I want around you.
Lu Yue- Are you mine?
   She goes to kiss him. He puts her hands on his cheeks while they kiss. They forget that they're on the phone with God Ming and just kiss. God Ming hangs up and calls Lu Yue again.
   It rings but they ignore it the first time. The second time Lu Yue pulls away from Luo Mei's lips, answers it, and puts it on speaker.
Lu Yue- Hello.
God Ming- Did you forget you were still on the phone with me?
Lu Yue- Sorry. (he looks at Luo Mei) But I'm supposed to be proving to Luo Mei that I'm not pulling away.
Luo Mei- (she giggles) Gorgeous.
Lu Yue- You're kind of interrupting that.
Luo Mei- (she makes a pouty face) I don't want gorgeous to go.
God Ming- Luo Mei, I promise you we won't keep him long.
Luo Mei- You better not. I love the way handsome is being right now. (she smiles at Lu Yue & he winks at her)
God Ming- Don't worry. I'll make sure he comes back to you.
Luo Mei- You better.
Lu Yue- I'll come back and finish this and you won't know what it's like not to have all of me.
Luo Mei- Finish? Continue isn't even right. Baby, you need to be like this all the time. Don't make it seem hard just because you let me take the lead. Nothing you do to me is going to make me mad. Just go for it. And you know one thing you need my approval for---
Lu Yue- Don't worry about that. All I want to do to you is kiss... (he goes to whisper the rest in her ear because he feels the rest will be too much information for God Ming to hear) and touch you. I would never go further if you're not ready. Besides, why do I need that if you already make me feel like I'm in heaven? All of that is enough for me. Why would I want more?
Luo Mei- Ahh, Lu Yue?! You're the best boyfriend ever. How in the world did I get so lucky?!
Lu Yue- (he looks back at her) Because you fell for your best friend. Who's the best. Who's loyal and would never... Take a woman for granted. I'm a romantic. I should know how to treat a woman.
Luo Mei- You praising yourself right now? I'm loving it.
Lu Yue- Have I ever not treated you like the queen you are?
Luo Mei- You always have. But I thought I was your princess?
Lu Yue- You are.
Luo Mei- But why did you say "queen"?
Lu Yue- Because you are one.
Luo Mei- What is with you? Now you're praising me. I am so loving it.
Lu Yue- I could go on.
God Ming- No. You need to come downstairs. Stop getting distracted and come down. You really want your brother to come and get you? He told me if you don't listen to me so we can talk to you he would go to find you himself. I know you don't want that.
Lu Yue- No. He can't. He would scold Luo Mei and I for sure. He can't see how we are or what Luo Mei is wearing. Who knows what he'll think.
God Ming- Then, get yourself down here if you don't want that. I shouldn't have to tell you again. Lu Yue, right now.
Lu Yue- Okay. I'm coming. Don't you scold me.
God Ming- Okay. I'm hanging up now. You better come.
Lu Yue- Yes, yes. Bye-bye.
God Ming- Bye-bye.
   They hang up. Lu Yue starts to get up, and puts his phone back in his pocket. Luo Mei stops him from walking out by saying something to him.
Luo Mei- Baby boy, so you really... don't want me to take off your shirt? It is kind of hot with it on.
Lu Yue- (he looks at her) 什么? What is with you? I told you I don't want you to. (What? <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- Are you sure? I don't remember you saying that.
Lu Yue- I did. You really want to go there?
Luo Mei- Yes. Because you did not say that.
Lu Yue- I did to. (he goes to stop her from taking off his shirt) Don't you dare take it off. I want it on you. (he's in her face)
Luo Mei- Really? So, you weren't mad at me for going in your room and stealing it?
Lu Yue- No. Because I honestly thought it was the most adorable thing ever.
Luo Mei- I'm adorable? Handsome thinks I'm adorable? (she blushes & giggles)
Lu Yue- Yes, I do. You love that, don't you?
Luo Mei- Most definitely, handsome.
Lu Yue- Gosh, you're being so irresistible. How could I ever want to pull away? It's not even an option. It could never be.
Luo Mei- (she holds his face) Ah, handsome. I'll never stop getting you're attention. Pinky promise me on it? If we do that then I'll know you definitely won't pull away. Give me your affection and never stop. I'll do the same with you.
Lu Yue- Are we going to pinky promise all this?
Luo Mei- Yes. We always keep our pinky promises.
Lu Yue- We do. Okay.
   She let's go of his face and they pinky promise on it. Then Luo Mei holds onto Lu Yue's hand, pulls him to her lips, and kisses him.
Lu Yue- What was that for?
Luo Mei- (Lu Yue just looks at her with heart while she says all this) Because handsome thinks I'm adorable. For winking at me. For praising me. For being the best boyfriend ever. My heart did the right thing by falling for you.
Lu Yue- You know your best friend started falling for you since the day we met?
Luo Mei- 是的. You told me that's how you felt even if you didn't know what the word love meant. (Yes. <chinese translation to english)
Lu Yue- Yes. You still remember my love confession?
Luo Mei- Yes, of course. How could I ever forget it?
Lu Yue- Ughh, I should go but I really don't want to.
Luo Mei- I'll be fine. I'll call Yang Lian and talk to her while I wait for you to come back.
Lu Yue- I thought you didn't want handsome to go?
Luo Mei- I don't. But you know I'm not ready for 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 to know about us yet. Besides, you don't want your brother to scold us for how we are, right? I don't.
Lu Yue- I definitely don't want him to. You're right. You being in my shirt is for my eyes only.
Luo Mei- That's right.
   He goes to get her iphone, takes it off the change, and goes to hand it to her.
Luo Mei- (she takes it) Thank you, handsome.
Lu Yue- You're welcome, beautiful.
   He starts to walk towards the door but she stops him by grabbing his hand.
Luo Mei- Wait, handsome.
Lu Yue- (he turns around) Mei Mei, 怎么了? (..., what's wrong? <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- (she takes his right hand & looks at it) Your hand. I'm sure I didn't bite it that hard.
Lu Yue- (he knees down to her at her right leg) You didn't. It's okay.
Luo Mei- (she kisses his hand where she bit it) You still need to get me back. I beat you to it more than twice and you still haven't bit me once.
Lu Yue- (he looks at her) Maybe I will.
Luo Mei- You should bite me four times but you better beat me to it before I bite you again.
Lu Yue- I'll do it. God Ming and Yang Lian are right. We 𝘥𝘰 act like two children in love.
Luo Mei- But I love it though. I love the way we love each other. It makes us more adorable.
Lu Yue- Yes, it does. And I love it too.
Luo Mei- I don't want us to ever stop loving like children.
Lu Yue- Then let's not. There's no reason to. We're love like children and live like lovers. (he gets up & goes closer to her)
Luo Mei- Live like lovers? I want that.
Lu Yue- Then we're do both and never change for anyone. Let's pinky promise on it?
Luo Mei- I really missed how you are around me. I want to do it.
He holds out his pinky and they pinky promise on it.
Luo Mei- Now, go on. Be a good boy and go downstairs.
Lu Yue- Yes, ma'am.
Luo Mei- (she kisses him on the forehead) Good boy.
   After that she calls Yang Lian on video chat and Lu Yue walks towards the door. He walks out and closes the door behind him. He stands there and listens in on Luo Mei talking to Yang Lian before he goes downstairs.
Luo Mei- 你好,姐姐. (Hello, sister. <chinese translation to english)
Yang Lian- Hi. You seem really happy. What's the smiling for?
Luo Mei- I pulled my handsome Yue Yue back before he could really pull away.
Yang Lian- What did you do to get his attention?
Luo Mei- I went in his room to steal one of his shirts to wear (she giggles at this part) and kept insist on thinking he wants me to take it off.
Yang Lian- 什么? Did it work? (What? <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- What do you mean did it work? I know how to get handsome's attention. I am irresistible to him. I've already tried to take off his shirt twice.
Yang Lian- 什么? What did he do? (What? <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- He stopped me each time. He really wants it on me. You know what, I might try to take it off again. (she giggles)
Yang Lian- Luo Mei?!
Luo Mei- 什么? He's mine. I'll act how ever I please around him. Hmm. (What? <chinese translation to english)
Yang Lian- You are way too comfortable around him.
Luo Mei- Yes. Yang Lian, he's been everything.
   Lu Yue is still listening in and he's loving everything she's saying about him.
Luo Mei- I don't think I'll ever get enough of him.
Yang Lian- So, he 𝘪𝘴 proving to you that he's not.
Luo Mei- Yes. I'm loving every minute of it. Besides, we pinky promised on it. There's no way he can. And I am starting to feel like what he said.
Yang Lian- And what's that?
Luo Mei- He said, "I'm going to give you all of me until you don't know what it's like not having all of me." I'm starting to feel that way but he needs to give me more of him. I want him to just go for what he wants. Like if he wants to kiss me on my neck I wouldn't mind. In fact I would love it. Ughh, can he come back already?!
   Meanwhile, Lu Yue is still standing outside Luo Mei's room. He talks to himself but they can't hear him.
Lu Yue- (he goans) Ughh, she's being so irresistible and adorable. Why do they need to talk to me now?! (he goans again)
He goes to walk downstairs.

𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now