chapter fourteen ♡

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   They have arrived at the base. God Ming helps Luo Mei out of the car, helps her with her crutches, and then walks her to the door. He opens it for her. He goes back to help Lu SiCheng with her bags.
   Luo Mei is now in the mansion. She sees everyone at the computers and Lu Yue in Tong Yao's chair; gaming.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, I'm here.
   He moves the chair around. He has his leg up on the chair and his hand on his mouth.
It's kind of like this scene. When you see Lu Yue for the first time:

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   He gets up and instantly goes to her. He wraps his left arm around her legs, then wraps his other arm around her waist. He lifts her up and her crutches fall. She has a big smile on her face and wraps her arms around his neck.
Luo Mei- Hi handsome. You're happy to see me.
Lu Yue- Yes.
   That's when God Ming walks in. He sees them gazing at each other.
God Ming- Are you going to carry her up to her room? The doctor said it would be good for her to get some rest.
Lu Yue- Yes.
God Ming- I'll bring her crutches and bags up.
Lu Yue- Thank you.
   He walks off upstairs carrying Luo Mei in his arms. God Ming follows. When Lu Yue lays Luo Mei down on her bed she won't let go of him.
Luo Mei- Baby boy, I don't want you to leave.
God Ming walks out to give them some privacy.
Lu Yue- (pulls her hands away) I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right downstairs.
   He tries to go but she stops him by grabbing onto his shirt. She pulls him down and kisses him.
Lu Yue- You can call me if you need anything.
Luo Mei- (she let's go of his shirt & sets it there) Okay.
He leans down and kisses her on the forehead.
Lu Yue- Get some rest now, okay?
Luo Mei- (she slides her hand up to his cheek & leaves it there) Okay. You're being handsome. I don't know if I want you to leave.
Lu Yue- Just get some rest. I'll be downstairs if you need me.
   He pulls away and he walks out. He walks back in because Tong Yao handed him Chocolate Chip. He walks over to Luo Mei.
Lu Yue- Tong Yao thought you would want him.
Luo Mei- Yes, please. (he hands her the cat & she puts him in her arms) Thank you, baby.
   In that moment she closes her eyes. He just stays there watching her with heart eyes.
Lu Yue- That's mine. She's so cute when she sleeps.
   Soon he walks out, and heads back downstairs.
   A little while later Luo Mei wakes up. She remembers that Lu Yue didn't say "I know" when she told him he's being handsome. Thinking about it making her think something's wrong.
   She slides to the other side of the bed. She holds onto the bedside table for support and gets up. She's refusing to use her crutches. She makes it to the door, and makes it to the railing. She holds onto it while she walks down the stairs.
   She tries to stand up but she loses her balance and falls on the floor. She reaches for her phone and calls Lu Yue. There's a answer.
Lu Yue- Hi baby.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, where are you?
Lu Yue- We all went outside.
Luo Mei- (she starts to cry) Baby boy, I need you.
Lu Yue- No. Why are you crying?
Luo Mei- I woke up wanting you but when I got to the buttom of the stairs I fell. Lu Yue, please.
   He hangs up after she says that and rushes back inside. Luo Mei turns over and sits up. She looks up and sees Lu Yue.
Luo Mei- What's wrong with you?
Lu Yue- What are you talking about? I'm here.
Luo Mei- But you're not. You're not being the Lu Yue I know. You didn't even say "I know" when I told you were being handsome. Is my cocky boy gone or is it not what you're caring about because you're worried about me. It's killing you that I'm in pain and that's why you won't touch me. Don't push me away. Please don't shut me out.
Lu Yue- You know me so well.
He goes closer and falls on her, crying. She catches him.
Luo Mei- It's okay. I'm okay. I'm not in major pain.
Lu Yue- (he's still crying) I don't want you in pain. (he lifts his head & looks at her) I'm sorry.
Luo Mei- (sets her hand on his cheek) No. Baby, don't be sorry for crying. It's okay to cry.
Lu Yue- You're too good to me.
Luo Mei- (she still has her hand on his cheek) Where's that smile? I want my baby boy to be happy.
He gives her a smile.
Luo Mei- (she smiles) There's handsome.
Lu Yue- Yes, I am.
Luo Mei- And there's my cocky boy.
   He wraps his left arm around her waist and his other arm around, puts it under her legs and holds on. He lifts her up.
Luo Mei- (she wraps her arms around his neck) I love you.
Lu Yue- I love you more.
Luo Mei- Cutie. (she smiles at him)
   He carries her over to the living area. He tries to set her down on the sofa.
Luo Mei- No. I want you to sit down with me in your arms like this.
Lu Yue- Okay.
He does just that. He moves his right arm, and sets it on her legs.
Lu Yue- (looks at her) Do you want me to rub where the pain is? (he puts a blanket over them) In case someone walks in.
Luo Mei- Can you?
   He goes to unbutton her skirt a little. He does that and they start to gaze into each other's eyes. Soon their lips touch. While they're kissing Luo Mei grabs onto his hand and grabs on tight to his shirt.
   While they're making out Luo Mei pulls away. She tries to hold onto Lu Yue for support but loses it and falls. She gets fustrated. She tries to crawl off. Lu Yue goes after her.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei, let me help you up.
She sits up on the floor and looks up at Lu Yue.
Luo Mei- I hate this. I hate feeling like I can't do anything.
Lu Yue- (he leans down to her) I know.
They're all standing there.
Xiao Rui- Is everything okay?
God Ming- Did Luo Mei fall again?
Luo Mei- It's okay. I can get up.
   She tries to stand up but ends up losing her balance and Lu Yue catches her. They all watch Lu Yue and Luo Mei gaze into each other's eyes with stocked faces, expect God Ming, he's just smiling at them, and Lu SiCheng isn't too shocked either.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, I can make it back upstairs.
Lu Yue- (he whispers to her) Your skirt is still...
   She looks down at her skirt and buttons it back up. She let's go of Lu Yue and makes it to the the stairs. She holds onto the railing for support.
Lu SiCheng- (walks up to her) Where are your crutches? You should be using your crutches.
Luo Mei- No. I don't want them.
Lu SiCheng- But you need them. You can barely walk on your leg. I heard you fell. Then just now you almost fell but Lu Yue had to catch you.
Luo Mei- I'm not using them.
   She walks up the stairs still holding on the railing. She gets to the top and stops to sit down. She buries her face in her hands. Lu Yue is now there.
Lu Yue- Something wrong?
Luo Mei- (she looks up at him) I'm starting to hate keeping us a secret from everyone. I wanted to kiss you so bad when you caught me. We can never really be alone. What's even the point.
Lu Yue- Don't say that.
   She got up and walked off to her room after he said that. So Lu Yue goes back downstairs to find God Ming.
Lu Yue- God Ming?
God Ming- What is it?
Lu Yue- Can we talk?
God Ming- Sure.
They walk out to the balcony.
God Ming- Is there something wrong?
Lu Yue- How would you feel if Luo Mei and I got back together?
God Ming- I would be okay with it. You two would be cute. You already are. Why are you asking?
Lu Yue- It's for Luo Mei. I can't say anymore. She might get mad at me.
God Ming- It's okay. But I don't think she would.
Lu Yue- You're right. She would say, "I could never be mad at you, cutie."
God Ming- If you two want to be together. Then be together. It's not up to me. She's afraid that we won't accept her with you after you both come out.
Lu Yue- Yes.
God Ming- We know the truth about why she broke up with you. We understand why she had to.
Lu Yue- She told me everything. I know now. Her father always scared me.
God Ming- He hates you?
Lu Yue- I don't think it's that. He just doesn't want me with her.
God Ming- He tried to get her to marry that French guy.
Lu Yue- My brother told you guys everything?
God Ming- Yes. He filled the rest of us in after she arrived.
Lu Yue- Oh.
God Ming- Luo Mei shouldn't worry about us not accepting her. We do. She's been family since she's been here.
Lu Yue- I know she doesn't feel guilty anymore. She'll come around. I know it. Thank you, God Ming. I'll tell her what you said.
God Ming- No problem.
After that Lu Yue walks off.

𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now